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Harry's POV

Harry awoke to the sound of yelling downstairs.  He marched downstairs quietly and listened outside the door to the kitchen in Grimmwald Place, he heard Sirius and Dumbledore.

"You didn't tell him!?" Yelled Sirius, outraged.

"He's a squib, of course, I didn't tell him, why would I tell him his brother was a squib when he can't even be with him for that very reason!" Yelled Dumbledore, surprising Harry.


"What was I supposed to do, get his hopes up for nothing?" asked Dumbledore.

"What's going on?" asked the new voice of Severus Snape.

"Albus didn't tell Harry he had a squib brother!" Mrs. Weasley yelled, nearly stopping Harry's heart.  I have a brother?! he thought, frozen to the core.

"Harry's brother wasn't a squib," said Severus, confused.

"What?" asked Sirius in a choked voice.

"His name was in the Book of Names," Snape drawled.

"Dumbledore!" Sirius shouted, with venom, "Why didn't you tell us?!"

"It was a mistake, I checked his core myself, he was a squib!"

"Oh, because the great Albus Dumbledore was smarter than THE FOUR FOUNDERS THEMSELVES WHO CREATED THE BOOK, sure Dum-as-a-door, what's next, your the reincarnation of Merlin!?" screeched Mrs. Weasley angrily.  Harry backed away from the door when silence was heard.  Unfortunately, he tripped over his feet in shock and fell to the ground with a loud thud.  There was shuffling on the other side of the door, as it opened to Mrs. Wealsey's face looking down on him.  Harry didn't realize until he felt the coolness on his cheeks that he had been crying.  Snape, Sirius, and Dumbledore crowded the doorway to see who it was.  Harry's heart broke with anger.

"I have a brother?" he asked, his voice muffled by choked sobs.

"Harry-" Dumbledore was interrupted by Harry yelling.

"NO! I HAVE FAMILY!? WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!  I DIDN'T HAVE TO BE ALONE!!! I DIDN'T HAVE TO BE BEAT EVERYDAY, AND NOT FED FOR DAYS ON END, BECAUSE I WOULD HAVE HAD A BROTHER WITH ME!!!" Harry lost himself to sobs at the end, "where is he? how old is he?" asked Harry, desperately.

"He's in America, and he's seventeen," answered Sirius, before anyone could object.  Tears fell from Harry's face as the realization hit him.  I have an older brother...

"We're going to America," demanded Harry.  No one objected to his forceful, angry tone.

Stiles POV

Odd things always seemed to happen to Stiles Stilinski, and he could never figure out why.  After he found out about the supernatural, he thought that surely he would finally have his answers, but he never did.  It was after the Nogitsune and finding out he was adopted, that everything went downhill.  Stuck in his room, things would fly around him randomly, and nothing would stop it.  His window was boarded up from when his screams caused it to shatter.  Anything delicate or dangerous was hidden, and nobody could so much as enter his room without being flung back.  Stiles was curled into the corner of the room, hands holding his head up, and eyes were blown wide and unresponsive.  All he could see was the visions, of death, he saw a boy with raven hair, and glasses smiling at him, he saw a snake-faced man, send lights from a stick flying all around a giant room, and finally one of the lights hit him, and he screamed aloud.  His bloodcurdling screams caused his computer screen to crack, and everything to lift into the air and spin around, fast enough to make anyone dizzy.  Then just as soon as it started the visions, and the pain stopped.  Tears fell to his face as he made sense of the visions, of the black haired shaggy man, slipping through a foggy cloak, and the raven-haired boy screaming the name 'Sirius'.  That's when Stiles knew one fact in his life, and that was that he had a little brother that was going to save him, and all he had to do was wait patiently.  So Stiles sat in his corner, rocking back and forth to comfort himself, and whispered to voices that weren't there.

Then suddenly his rocking ceased when he heard knocking at the front door.  Footsteps echoed downstairs, and the front door opened.  Stiles Stilinski smiled for the first time in months when he heard the stomping of footsteps upstairs.  Somehow Stiles knew what was coming from his father's yelling, and threatening, and he knew he'd see his brother, Harry again, he just had to wait a few moments.  The creeky door slid open slowly, and a boy with raven hair, green eyes covered with glasses, and a lightning bolt scar entered the room carefully.
"Harry," Stiles whispered quietly.  The boy's eyes snapped to where Stiles as seated, and his brows furrowed in confusion.
"How do you know who I am?" He asked tentatively.  Stiles smiles softly before speaking not even above a whisper.
"I saw you," he explained, "in the visions."  Looking at him curiously, Harry walked towards Stiles, slowly, and bent down to his level.
"What visions?" He asked.
"I get these vision," Stiles began, "about things, and then they come true like now."  Harry's eyes widened, and he smiled softly asking, "what's your name?"
"Stiles Stilinski," Stiles replied.  Suddenly as if his magic was reacting to Harry, everything in the room began to lift up, and move.  Then Stiles heard the voices.
What's your name?
Tom Riddle
Pleasure, I'm Mischief!
Who are you?
I am Lord Voldemort!
Are you really?
Yes insolent fool!
No, Tom your Tom, and you're a good person
Fool! Crucio!!

Stiles screamed from the pain, and the objects in the room dropped like rocks.  The rushing of footsteps was heard, and the door burst open to see a man with a long white beard and half moon spectacles, a shaggy haired man that Stiles knew to be called Sirius, a bushy haired girl, and a red headed boy.  They paused in the room, at the sight before them.  Suddenly Stiles stood, and his eyes glazed over before speaking in a raspy voice.

"The one called the Dark Lord will be defeated
But the Dark Lord from within and not without
The prodigy of the snake will be released
And he will have power the Dark Lord knows not
And the soul of the prodigy will be split
And the other half will be the brother of the chosen one.
Take heed, for the Dark Lord is within not without," he finished, and slumped back on the floor.  Everyone stared at Stiles in shock before Dumbledore spoke.
"Impossible, he's a seer!" He whispered in awe.

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