Chapter 1

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So they were double dating.  Julia and Dante were together and so were Jasmine and Ryan.  They were going to see Haunted House 2.  They got a ride from Jasmines parents.  After the movie they went back to Jasmines house and they all slept over.  they were sleeping in the basement.  Dante and Julia were making out on the couch. Jasmine and Ryan were talking about the movie. They started hearing wierd noises, when they went to see what happened. The snake got out. They looked at the tank, but the weight was still on the top.

        "How did she get out?!" asked Ryan. "I don't know, but the weight is still on the top!" said Jasmine.  "That's impossible!" said Julia. "That's it. I'm out! I dont fuck with this supernatural shit!" said Dante. Ryan convinced him to stay. They decided to watch a movie. After they put the snake back in the tank, they put Meg back in the tank and decided to watch Kevin Hart Seriously Funny. 

        In the middle of the movie a black crow flew into the back door.  "ITS THE EVIL BIRD!" screamed Julia.  "The what?'' asked Dante.  "Me and jazzlynn were walking arround and an evil bird was following us." said Julia.  "Damn thats creepy!" said Dante.  "It really was a bird." said Ryan after he checked to see what it was. "Again with this ghost stuff!" said Julia. "Don't worry baby, I'll protect you." said Dante before kissing her.  Ryan and Jasmine went outside to see if the bird had died but the bird wasnt there.  it left a sploch of blood..


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