What?? Where am I??

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Hello my name is Isabelle...And I am going to tell you how all of this really began..
I was walking with my mom to the school bus and It was my first day at Lemton elementary and to be honest I was scared because I was short and skinny. I was holding my mom because I didn't want to go but she managed to make me go in the bus. After she waved at me and I waved back then we drove off to my new school. After some minutes we finally make it to my school. I walk the halls in my school and I see some kids staring at me with weird looks. I felt nauseous and dizzy then I bump in to a girl and I say "I am so sorry.."
Then she looks at me and starts running towards me and she knocks me out. Couple days later... I wake up and I am in a soft bed but I noticed that I am not in my room. I sit-up and I see flowers and a note on the side of the bed. I reach for the note and it was from my mom and it said "I might not survive so please remember me and try to get out please... But I love you and be strong if you see me as a....." Then it stops there and I look at the note to try to figure out what she means but I cannot think of anything. I hit the bed in frustration and I noticed the flowers look dead and dried up which means that they gave me these flowers a while ago. After quite some time looking at the dried flowers I finally get out of the stuffy room and I grabbed the note before I left. I walk in the dark halls scared and frightened. When I walk in the darkest hall I hear growling noises and scratching. Then that's when I scream and run. I don't know where I am going but I know I am running forward then I slam on the door and I fall back. I knock out for a minute then I go back up and opened the door. The door led me to another room and I try to look for the exit but it was so dark that I couldn't see anything but then i see a little bit of red and i go towards it and it said exit. I open the door and I run out then I stop because I smell something awful then I look to the side and I see people wrap in cloth or a dead person in a car. I got freaked out so I run then I made a choice to look back and I did. The place I was in was a......... hospital.

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