Chapter One: The Beggining

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  My eyes slowly began to open. As my eyes opened all the way, but all I could see was light. My eyes couldn't even focus until a figure walked in front of it. My hands seemed to be strapped down. "Tell me what is your name?" The figure asked.

  "My name is Evie V. Riley. "I answered struggling to focus on the figure, pleased by my response the blurry figure injected something into my body. I struggled to breathe as the substance flowed through my body. Soon my body couldn't hold on. My eyes closed.

  What seemed like seconds later I saw the figure again but in more detail because it looked like he dimed the lights. He began to check my reflexes, pupils, and all the doctor stuff. "All seems normal." He said then he grabbed my hand and injected me again. "Sean's log: subject seems to be reacting perfectly. The shock resistant drug does not seem to be working though. Time to test." Sean said as he spoke to his computer. He then took another object and placed it by my head.

  Then a blast of electricity coursed through my skull. I scream until I blacked out. I woke up still strapped and I heard Sean say. "Ice is not a factor. Mabey the chemical found in fire could burn out the chemicals in her system so that we could restart her process." He continued for a while until I heard him say maybe if we shot her with a few volts of lightning.

  I began to struggle trying to break the straps that held me down. I struggled for about two minutes until two other men walked into the room to hold me down. They placed an object near my head and boom just what Sean said a lightning blast. Behind my screaming I heard Sean counting and when he reached 300 volts his mood became enlightened.

  Then Sean said 600 volts and I kept breathing. The lights became dim and I fell unconscious the last number I heard was 856 volts. My heart gave out and my brain was offline. Sean kept on doing experiments on me until May 18, 2012 the day I was pronounced dead. They picked me up with no care and threw me in their body dump. I laid there wasting away. A decaying body of a twelve-year-old girl laid in a pile of bones.

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