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"Level 1" the TV says so there's gumball playing video games and darwin is upstairs "uhhh" darwin says coming down the stairs "there's nothing to do" darwin says "well find something to do" gumball says "but I want to do something with you" darwin says "fine we will do something at night"gumball said "what?" Darwin said "ding done ditch" gumball said "um are you sure?" Darwin says "sure why not" gumball says "ok" darwin said it as he was scared 7 hours later "ok are you ready?" Gumball says "yeah" darwin says "ok GO" gumball says "DING DONG" it rings they run back and hide under a car "shhhh" gumball says then darwin hugs gumball tightly "are we going to get caght" darwin says in a sad and scared way "no" gumball said the person opens the door "grrrrr people always prank me" he said he shut the door they slide out the bottom of the car darwin swipes sweat off his forehead "we didn't get caught" Darwin said "see everything is fine "gumball said "thanks gumball" darwin said. Darwin kissed gumball on the cheek than he went in the house                                      THE END

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2018 ⏰

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