Confessions-Introduction - Homestuck x reader

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You woke up this morning feeling sick, and you sleepily got up and went downstairs to your kitchen. You made some (Favorite cereal) and a glass of (Favorite drink) then quickly ate it.

You then looked around for some painkillers because you are starting to get a killer headache.

"Ugh......" You groan as you look around, unable to find any. Then suddenly there is a loud 'Knock' on the door, startling you and causing you to slam your hand on a knife on a nearby counter.

"SHITTTTTT! FUCK!" You yelled and grasped your hand in pain.

"Hello? (Y/N) are you okay? Im coming in!" A familiar voiced yelled worryingly through the door. The person then opened the door, revealing......

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2014 ⏰

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Confessions-Introduction - Homestuck x readerWhere stories live. Discover now