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Ever had that feeling when you're walking around, but you're not aware that you're actually moving your legs? Like you're on automatic pilot, losing yourself in your thoughts, not thinking about where you're going? Just absentmindedly wandering around, and before you know it, you wind up in a club, drinking one drink too much, and a dead feeling in your body.

That's exactly the state of mind Luke was in, lounging in one of the seats in the VIP area, sipping away his drink, while constantly checking his phone.
He was so out of his mind, that he swore he had seen her just a minute ago, swaying away on the dance floor.

So naturally, he immediately tried to call her. Once. Twice. About a hundredth times. Of course, she didn't pick up her phone. They had been so close once, not like lovers. He had wished for it, still wished for it. He needed her, all of the time.

He had given her everything, but she kept pushing him away, not wanting to see him as more as a 'good friend'.

Luke had made the mistake of kissing her. It had felt so good. As if roses had blossomed around them, glitter had burst from their bodies. He knew she had felt it too, but she wouldn't admit it.

And that had been the last time Luke had seen her.

He emptied out the drink into his mouth, stood up, almost fell over but managed to found his balance again, and walked out of the club.

The fresh night air helped to clear up his mind, but it still was all a blur. He could've sworn he heard her voice, but he kept on walking, knowing his drunken mind was deceiving him once again.

Then, a hand grabbed him by his arm, making him turn around.

'Luke, wait,' she said, while trying to catch her breath. 'I ... We need to talk.'

Luke frowned, looking at her, feeling her squeeze his arm.

'Do you want me out of your life? Because I don't want to hear that again.' Luke managed to say, trying to push off her hand.

But she refused to let go, clinging on the him.

'Luke, please –' it stung that she called him by name. She used to call him baby, before things got ... Complicated. They once had been so happy together. They never had been 'just friends'. He knew that. But they both didn't really realize what had been right in front of them. Especially since she had admitted more than once that she had never felt love before.

'Hear me out,' she tried again.

'No, it's fine. Go call somebody else baby. I don't need to hear it anymore. Goodbye.' Finally he was able to brush off her hand, and started to walk away from her again.

'Then why do you keep calling me, Luke?' She yelled after him, but he ignored it and kept walking.

But it didn't feel like walking at all. It felt like he was crawling, crawling through his misery in the dark of the night. It had been going on for too long, the pushing and pulling game. And she had wanted to start it once again. He had seen it in her eyes that she didn't really care for him. She only needed him, didn't want him. There was a big difference.

So Luke kept walking, crawling, away from her. A last goodbye, still lingering thick in the air. 

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