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"Ugh I am SO gonna sleep when I get home!" Chan complained to his co-worker and close friend, Seungmin

Seungmin chuckled, "You better. You always fall asleep on the cash register, Boss Lee will scold you in front of the whole café soon." Seungmin teased, poking Chan's cheek

Chan slapped Seungmin's hand away, "Blame my head, I always get writer's block. I can't even finish the songs I'm working on. Oh, and good luck getting someone to buy you food now." Chan said with a poker face

"This baby-- cannot be teased, you know I was kidding right?" Seungmin said before pinching Chan's cheek

"You know I'm older than you right?" Chan deadpanned

"Not by mental age." Seungmin teased

Chan chuckled before playfully pushing Seungmin away from him, "Ok, ok, I get it. Don't smother me with your gayness, Hyunjin might not let me see tomorrow's daylight."

The two boys laughed but was interrupted by someone entering the café.

They are currently working in Seoul's most famous café, "Stray Café", which is owned by Lee Minho, who is also one of Chan and Seungmin's close friend.

"Yes! Hyunjae's here! I'll see you next week Minnie!" Chan said, waving at Seungmin, Hyunjae and his other co-workers before heading to the back to time out and leave the store

It was a REALLY stressful day for him. All the customers coming in like a stampede and some of them were pretty entitled and arrogant, causing Chan to lose about 60% of his brain cells. Stray Café IS the most famous café in Seoul so.. the hell did this boy expect??

The sun was about to set so Chan quickened his pace. He doesn't really mind walking in the dark, but he REALLY wants to get home and sleep. He passed by an alleyway, not really paying attention to whatever was in there. He's caught so many couples making out in there that he doesn't even want to glance at it anymore to keep his sanity in check.


Something caught his attention..

Chan stopped in his tracks and listened properly to whatever noise he heard.

He heard shuffling.

Chan took a few steps backward before glancing at the alleyway. It was empty.

'Good. No couples.'

He heard the same noise again, sparking his curiosity even more. He knows curiosity killed the cat, luckily he felt more like a wolf than a feline. He walked in the narrow space and started searching for whatever it was that made that sound.

"What am I even doing?? I'm supposed to be heading home, not this!" Chan mumbled, scolding himself

He shouldn't be doing this. But somehow, something pushed him that he should. Something told him that he SHOULD enter the alleyway instead of ACTUALLY heading home.

Stupid right? I know.

But what if it was an injured animal? Like a cat? Or a dog? If it was something else, then hold up, he didn't sign up for that.

Then again... he actually did.

Chan saw something move in his peripheral vision. He turned his head to the side and saw one of the boxes move.

And then he heard a sniffle.

Chan's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 'Boxes don't sniffle.' Chan took a few steps forward, cautiously walking towards the box as if he was waiting for it to attack him. When he got to the box, he leaned over it, slowly peaking over the box and saw something curled up like a ball.

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