If I Said

451 13 7

The music is above.

You always were
The calm
Before the storm

I always was
The destruction
That it caused

And if I said
Sorry, sorry, sorry

If I said
I never meant it all

Would you say
It's okay, okay, okay?

Would you say
Even the mighty fall?

I know I'm not
Meant for you

I know you're not
The one for me

But if I said
Sorry, sorry, sorry

Would you take
Me back today?

Yet here I am
All alone

Here I am
Longing for your arms

Here I am
Craving your warmth

Here I am
Dreaming of your beauty

There you are
Inside this room

I could reach
Out and touch you

But I can't
For I'm afraid

So there you are
Walking away.

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