Introduction: Marie Beaudrie

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  Quick Author's Note 

For reference, this does occur in the universe in which Harry Potter defeated Voldemort, but it is at least 15 years after the fact. Certain characters will be removed from their future posts and Cursed Child has been voided for the sake of the story. Chances are this will not include canon Harry Potter characters as main protagonists, but it may include subtle hints and lore. So, with that said, enjoy.


 Growing up in the Beaudrie house was nothing short of unbearable. They lived in a large chateau in Lyon, France and were in possession of a considerable amount of money. Marie from a young age was raised to be just as those before her had been. She had been taught to sit with her knees closed, shoulders back, and chin up because "a lady shouldn't sit any other way." She grew up on the finest of French foods and the most exotic pets known to the wizarding world. She grew up with strict physical exercise regimes in order to keep her shape and boyfriends from powerful families with whom her grandparents had set her up with. From the outside her life seemed as if it couldn't get any better, but for her, she lived within a nightmare.

     The Beaudrie's are one of France's oldest and most popular wizarding families and they pride themselves on their blood purity. Every Beaudrie has the same fair face and cold eyes, they are recognizable from a mile away.The family is best known for Olivier Beaudrie. Olivier Beaudrie brought the family to prominence in the mid 1920s when he worked with the British Minister for Magic to keep the population of magical creatures in the non-magique world under control. After Olivier, the family remained among some of France's most prestigious families, enjoying a life of social security. That is, until Mr. Adrien Beaudrie, Marie's father, disappeared one night from his study. Many believe the family's prejudice leaders had him cut off because of his questionable bloodline, as it was common knowledge that his absent wife was a veela. After the incident, the family became secluded, allowing their stories and their name to become legend. Many did not even know that Adrien had a child. The family is very stuck with its ways and does not tolerate any stray from the normalities.

     Marie currently lives with her grandparents, Catherine and Louis Beaudrie. Her grandmother was named for Catherine de Medici, who had an extensive and powerful grasp on French politics. Her grandfather was named for Louis XIV, or the Sun King, of the Bourbon dynasty. Louis XIV was an absolute monarch and, in the Beaudrie's eyes, was the epitome of french excellence and a perfect demonstration of what a wizard could do if given control over non-magiques. Marie however, was named for Marie Leszczyńska, a queen of France who ruled for 42 years after marrying Louis XV. Marie Leszczyńska ruled for longer than any other french queen and was well liked for her kindness and generosity. Marie's family considers these traits to be a sign of weakness and, as an insult to her late father, they bestowed the name upon her. It was to act as a badge of her blood impurity.

    Catherine and Louis hold prominent positions in the French ministry and are the definition of a "poised family". When Marie lives in their house, she lives under harsh rules. "A lady must not sit with her legs open." "A lady must never ride a broom." "A lady must do what her partner says." and her least favorite, "A lady must only speak when spoken to." Despite these medieval methods, her family holds high power in France and the entire wizarding world. It seems that for Marie, there is no escape from her family's grasp.

    She is an elegant girl with long blonde hair and pale blue eyes. She is alluringly pretty and many people can't seem to get enough of her, although quite frankly, she is nothing special. Her athletic frame and tall stature are a result of years of physical training forced upon her by her family, and everything about her seemed to scream her family's name. Her smarts and magical ability, she attributes to her father, a man she barely remembers and she attributes her beauty to her mother, a woman she has only met once. Of course, to the rest of her family, everything about her told them that she didn't fit in and they reminded her of it everyday through mundane chores, training, and studies.

     Marie attended Beauxbatons Academy for the first 4 years of her schooling career, but was forced to leave when her family heard of her reputation there. Marie's previous boyfriend Julian Byström, whom her grandparents had set her up with in hopes that it would boost their popularity among Scandinavian wizards, had become enraged when she broke things off and began tormenting her through rumors he had spread around her academy. To her family, this was the ultimate shame and they absolutely couldn't have a member so frivolous with her encounters walking about in the French communities. "Ce n'est pas possible!" they would say. Her family removed her immediately and will be sending her to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for the coming term.

     This, of course, made Marie uneasy. Integrating into new schools has never been easy for her. She always seems to stand out in a crowd. She knew this was all a ploy for her family to sink its claws into the British Ministry of Magic and create another branch of the Beaudrie Dynasty, but she played coy and went along with what her grandparents said because she had known nothing else. Within the walls of her home she is a mild supporter of the Beaudrie family and did all they asked, but outside of them she despised their every action. Marie was trapped in what seemed to be purgatory, but she found release in the thought of attending Hogwarts, a school known for its separation from the governments of the wizarding world. She was eager to begin this new chapter of her life, however uncomfortable it made her feel. Marie figured that nothing was worse than remaining in France under the jurisdiction of Louis Beaudrie and his terrible wife, Catherine. 


Haven't written in a while, its lovely to be back. 

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