Chapter 1

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He looked at the mirror carefully, eyes big as he examined his look again, scrutinizing every detail of himself. Jimin never liked to look anything less than perfect, even more so on days such as this one; he had a date, and he wanted, no, needed, to impress - first impressions matter, right? - and perfect was, unsurprisingly, exactly how he looked. His freshly dyed crimson locks, tousled yet still looking effortlessly flawless, framed his soft features exquisitely. The satin black button-up hugged all the right places, hanging off his body elegantly in some while struggling against his toned, rippling muscles built up from his many years of dancing in others. Contesting against the fabric of his jeans, his thick legs also looked admittedly good; they were one of his, as well as many of his friends' favourite feature about himself - they were strong and firm, a trophy of his hard work and a thing of envy for those who either wanted him or wanted to be him. Taking one last look at his small figure in the mirror, he flashed an eye smile and took a deep breath before stepping into his loafers and heading out of the door.

As he walked to the destination of his date, he found it difficult forcing himself not to skip - he had to be honest, he was truly excited; his last date must have been around a year and a half ago now, he thought to himself. Unable to forget and move on from his last relationship, he had moped in his apartment for months scoffing icecream and replaying the memories in his head while continuously watching romantic films and shows, just wishing the perfect moments were his rather than the broken pieces of his own love life. It had been a messy break-up, honestly - Jimin may have thrown a punch or two, but he was totally within his rights to do so; the guy was a complete arse and he deserved everything he got, Jimin scowled. His heart was flooded with pain; it had been a lot for the boy to deal with, especially after the death of his grandmother. Sighing, he interrupted his own thoughts to concentrate on crossing the road safely - Seoul is a huge metropolis, and he didn't want to risk his or anyone else's life by thinking so carelessly. Following the flow of the several people around him, he briskly walked to the other side, resuming his thoughts. The split really took its toll on his passion for dancing for a while, and he found himself unable to feel the enjoyment and rush he usually got as he danced around his studio, fluently contorting his robust body into different moves and motions. Luckily, just a few weeks ago he met Jung Hoseok during one of his college dance classes, and they had quickly hit it off over their mutual love for his major. Hoseok's energy was irresistible and contagious for the younger, and Jimin quickly found himself regaining his balance and pleasure for the art, with this consequently pouring happiness back into his previously quite dismal life. Coincidentally, his new friend was exactly the one who set him up for this blind date, claiming that Jimin "couldn't sulk forever" and confirming a time, date and place for the meeting on an online dating app before he even had chance to protest. He couldn't blame him, really, as he knew his hyung only wanted the best for him, but at the time he had hit the roof as if he was truthful with himself, he wasn't fully over his ex. However, the more he thought of it, the more he came to the conclusion that this would be the final push he needed to move on completely - he would have a new interest, way to spend his time, and a companion to help him forget his hurt from the past. He realized he could not waste the rest of his life refusing to proceed after the relationship, he was young after all at the ripe age of 21 and needed to live a little. A small smile creeping upon his lips, he looked along the road to the humble building in the distance, the faint smell of coffee beginning to worm its way into his nostrils and breathed in the scent. Things were starting to look up for him.

The familiar bell signalled Jimin's entry to the humble coffee shop, followed by a chorus of "Welcome to Magic Shop! We hope you enjoy your stay!" - sounds he had heard multitudinous times over the past couple weeks, considering his new best friend worked here along with Hoseok's other friends and this was basically their only meeting place aside from the dance studio. Jimin smiled warmly, exclaiming his thanks and glancing at Hoseok before scanning the room for his date. He noticed him sitting quietly in the corner, nose deep in what looked like a book, shaggy purple bangs falling over his eyes which were covered by thinly rimmed spectacles. Not the type which Jimin would usually go for, he noted to himself, although he didn't oppose a change as long as the personality was there. Hoping for the best, he pranced over to the table, stifling a giggle and shaking his head as he passed Hoseok whose face was twisted into a sly grin, eyebrows wiggling up and down suggestively towards his friend. Sitting down on the wooden stool across from the boy, he bowed in greeting.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2018 ⏰

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