Bliss: A Piece of Heaven(Weasley Twins X Olivia)

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Olivia walked down the hall in the Hogwarts castle toward the entrance, wanting to go outside into the nice sun to read. Her thoughts ran through her head about her book: What would happen next, why the chapter ended with that sentence, etc. When she had made her way into the bright sun of the day, she felt she was being followed and turned her head to look behind her. But no one was there. Shaking her head, thinking she must have imagined somebody following her because of being so lost into her thoughts, she walked on, sitting in the plush, green grass under a white-barked tree. Thankfully this time she made sure to not make the stupid mistake of trying to sit under the Whomping Willow. Sometimes she just could be so careless or clumsy! Olivia took out her book, smiling at the cover. It was an old book, yet a classic, according to muggles and a muggleborn like her. It was a thick book, yet she managed to get through so much in just two days. It was called Watership Down, about a few rabbits seeking a home led by one whom foresaw a terrible danger back at their own warren. The chapter that Olivia had finished reading stopped at one of the rabbits getting caught in shinning wire. She began reading. "Well, well, who do we have here?" Olivia almost jumped at the sound of the voice, forgetting about the sentence she was on. She looked up to see who made her get out of her own little quiet world: the voice belonged to a short-haired ginger who looked at her with a what he thought to be a charming smile. "Reading instead of doing other fun things, are we? Tsk, tsk. . . ." She heard another voice. She turned her head to the right, looking up at the same-looking boy. She was confused for a minute, when it hit her. The Weasley twins. "Reading is fun, too. . . ." Olivia had said defensively but in a soft voice as she looked down at her book and tried to continue to read again. But she couldn't read whether her second favorite rabbit dies trapped in the snare or not because one of the twins had grabbed her book. And on the most important, heart-racing moment of book! She felt angry; she hated to be interrupted from her reading that way. She stood up, glaring at the twin gingers, whom were chuckling at her. Fred held her book. "Come on, give it back!" Olivia said, reaching for it. But Fred made sure to keep out of her grasp, holding it up in the air. This gave the red head girl a disadvantage because the twins were so taller than her. "There must be more you would like to do other than read!" George had said. "Indeed, I agree with my dear brother there." and with those words, Fred had tossed the book to George, who caught it, holding it up as well. Olivia grew frustrated, but she stayed calm. It wasn't in her nature to go wild over a situation as simple such as this. She took a deep breath, folding her arms almost impatiently. "Alright, fine. What do you two want?" she wondered. "We only want to hang out with you", George began. "We've noticed all you have been doing is reading. . ." ". . . . And we want to introduce you to other things that are fun." "Indeed, probably more fun than. . ." ". . . .Reading." they both finished the sentence together, saying the word as a child would to having spinach for dinner. Olivia looked from Fred to George. She thought for a moment, them shrugged, allowing her arms to drop to her sides in defeat. She might as well do what they think is fun with them---which is most likely pull pranks----because there's no other way of getting rid of the two. "Alright, fine. What do you want to do?" They looked at each other. "I guess you'll have to find out." George had said, and they both winked at her. Olivia looked confused, raising a questioning eyebrow, even blushing a bit, but she didn't say anything. George had handed back her book, and they all walked inside. Once she had put away her book in her dorm---sort of giving it a longing look----she turned and walked out, walking with the twins. She wasn't sure where they were taking her, but she soon found out. The Room of Requirement. But why here? she wondered to herself.

George had grabbed her arm, pulling her inside, Fred following in behind. Olivia looked thoroughly perplexed, and she looked from Fred to George. "What's all this about?!" she demanded. "This is our own little secret place", Fred had answered simply. George had approached her. She didn't know why, but she felt shy, blushing a little. Before she could turn her head toward Fred, they both kissed her on the cheek. She felt her cheeks go even hotter at the touches of their lips. "W-what was that for?!" she stammered, stumbling back. The twins only smirked as they stood close to her. It made Olivia feel even more shy. "Well, you're so pretty, and. . ." ". . .We like you." She wasn't sure who was speaking or who was finishing who's sentence, because she was too busy looking surprised. Yes, she did love the Weasley twins, she did since 1st year, but she didn't think they liked her. Besides, it was a bit odd to like two people at once. But then again, they were twins, and she sort of thought it didn't matter much. . . "Y-you do?" her voice almost cracked at how nervous and shy she sounded. "Yes, of course....." they both said. Olivia almost stiffened----she could've sworn she felt both of their warm breaths on either side of her neck. Before she could say anything, her lips were seized by George's own, his hands holding her face close. Olivia barely had time to act in surprise or even breath because Fred had turned her face toward him from behind and also kissed her. Once he had let go, Olivia could only stand there in utter astonishment, blushing even more madly than she did before. "U-uh......" was the only thing she could get out of her mouth. She continued to stare at Fred and George in shocked silence. "You like?" they smirked, grinning at her mischievously. W-well....." Olivia had trailed off. She didn't know what to say; she did like it, but it was hard to speak at that moment. She didn't have to speak anymore, for Fred had pinned her against the wall and began kissing her deeply, his tongue attacking hers without her permission. But he didn't need permission, for the red head was enjoying it, her moan muffled by the French kiss Fred was giving her. Suddenly, she felt something wet on her neck. . . . As if a dog was licking her. . . . But then she realized it was George, licking her neck slowly. She had almost forgotten there was two, not one. Two 6th years who would give her a taste of heaven today. She moaned in pleasure, allowing the twins to kiss either side of her neck, occasionally kissing or sucking. She realized even though they were identical, their kisses differed----Fred was the type to seize with no hesitation with his tongue, and George was the type to start out slow. As George began kissing her, she realized he was more of an expert than his twin brother. But Olivia made sure to keep this opinion to herself. They seemed already wild as much it was, and she didn't want to rowl them up more by starting an argument between the two. Competitions were not needed. She enjoyed the touch of both of them---whether it be kissing lips or kissing her neck----she enjoyed every single minute of it. The classic Watership Down had long gone faded from her thoughts now only focusing on the twins. "A-ah.....! Oh, Fred.....!" she moaned out loud, unable to hold it in much longer. Fred had bitten her tender skin softly. George, meanwhile, was sucking on the other side of her neck now. Fred had paused for a moment. "I'm not Fred, I'm George!" "Honestly, woman, if you're going to shout our names, make sure it's the right ones!" Olivia grew agitated. "S-sorry..... George!" she almost growled, biting her lip. Fred continued to bite her lightly. "I'm only joking, I am Fred." he had smirked.

Olivia had sighed in frustration. "T-this is really not the time to be joking around-ah.....! By Merlin's beard, George!" She had stopped in mid-sentence only to moan once more because George began biting her, too. She felt herself shake at the stinging touches that the twins made with their teeth in her skin. "Keep it up......" George had whispered seductively in her ear. "........And we'll keep it up." Fred had whispered seductively in her other ear. She was aware that she was blushing like crazy by now. But then the twins stopped. "W-what's the hold up.....?!" she protested, surprised of the hunger in the tone of her voice. Fred and George didn't say anything. Before she opened her mouth once more to repeat herself, she paused, allowing her mouth to stay open in agape. The Weasley twins had taken off not only their ties, but their shirts as well. Olivia could only stare in wonder at their strong-built body, the perfect abs that seemed to be identical yet surely different. Before she even knew what she was doing, she was licking her lips eagerly as she continued to stare at the two bodies in front of her. She did not hesitate to reach out a hand(or both, almost forgetting once again that there were TWO)and run her fingers down their abs. They purred in pleasure, allowing her to take control. Now feeling she was in that control, she backed them against the wall, continuing to run her hands down their abs. She then began licking each body, kissing, biting. Fred hissed, shivering, but clearly in enjoyment and George moaned. She enjoyed hearing them moan and such instead. It made her feel dominant. The twins had offered her a piece of Heaven that she eagerly took. Bliss. Olivia could've sworn she was in Heaven, in fact. -------------- After giving the twins their pleasure, it was their turn again. Fred nipped and licked at her neck while----to Olivia's great happiness-----George kissed her. His tongue explored deep into her mouth, moaning every now and then in pleasure to feel her tongue collide with his. She couldn't breath, but she didn't move, scared of making him angry with greed. His tongue twisted expertly around hers, so expertly, that she almost thought he was a professional. He had finally pulled away so that she can catch her breath. "Olivia..... Oh god, your tongue....." George had panted, trailing off. Olivia had blushed madly, also panting. Her pants had turned into a moan and she began to squirm, feeling Fred suck the hollow of her neck. Both of the twins bodies----still bare, their shirts and ties lying somewhere around the room----pressed against hers and she felt the heat from them. It made her shiver with pleasure at how close they were. They switched----Fred taking over her lips with his own, George kissing along her neck softly. Fred gave no hesitation to jump right in, French kissing fast and hard. Olivia moaned, and this only encouraged on Fred more. He began sucking on her tongue. George was beginning to lick her neck, nipping every now and then. He allowed his hand to grip her chest----by accident----gripping firmly as he became intense in sucking and biting at her neck. Olivia allowed the moans to escape her lips with no hesitation nor reluctance. To the twins, it sounded like an angel singing, and was the command to continue to make it feel even more pleasurable. Olivia felt hot, sweating bodies against her own. She felt warm breaths escaping lips as both were now touching her delicate skin. She heard the small growls that sometimes issued from either of the twins mouths when they bit her harder, causing her to moan loudly in pleasure and calling either of their names out loud. A peace of Heaven. Bliss. That's what she felt at the moment.

It wasn't long until Fred and George had finally stopped. They changed from fussing over her body competitively to working together to make sure she enjoyed every single second of it. And she did. The ginger twins found their shirts, putting them back on. Realizing how much her legs hut from standing up, she ignored the pain as she bent down to get their ties. She put them on for them. They looked down at her, smiling, each giving her a look with love in their eyes. She smiled and gave the same expression back in return. "We love you, Olivia Goodman." they both had declared, each hand brushing her cheeks. "And I love you both, too." she replied softly. Whether that rabbit would survive caught in that shinning wire didn't matter to Olivia anymore. She was too busy in love and staring into the eyes of the most beautiful twins ever. They had given her pleasure, enjoyment. Not because they felt like it. And she could tell by the looks in their eyes it was no prank. The twins leaned on either side of her face to kiss her cheek, and she felt her heart racing with happiness. She had to admit, that was far better than reading. Fred and George gave her piece of Heaven. Bliss. ~The End~

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