2 to Last day of school

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I did the art
So this was on the last day of school for me. So I had to say bye to my friends and the staff cause I am going to a different school. In gym or p.e whatever you call it we had to play kickball but I was in a bad mood so....

It was my turn but because some of the soccer kids where on the other team I lost and didn't even go to first base.As I was walking to to the line after I lost my "friend" stared at me and well ..... I kind of snapped and yelled at her "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT"and after my friendship problems idk why I just think cause I was in a bad mood.I said sorry later so now it all good I hope .eh so I hope you liked this new book and bye

I will hopefully do a story of my so called friendship problems but that is all for today bye

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