Prologue part 1

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It was a dark and stormy night my mom and dad crept down the hall down to the basment. She help me tightly in her arms, I was just born one bout ago. A tornado was lurking out side doming closer and closer to the castle by the second. We hunkered down and sat there, no movement, no sound except for the rushing winds out side. Then suddenly every thing went quiet, to quiet. We looked around, everything started to float, then boom the tornado high us like a bomb. The wind was so hard that it was hard to move and breathe. My parents and I flew up into the the tornado like a flash. I was sucked out of my moms arms. I was in the heart of the tornado being shakes around. Lightning hit me and I was thrown to the ground. There was only one surviving couple that found me the next day and they took me at there own. They tried to find my mom and dad but never did.

12 years past and I was a healthy preteen. I go to hogersfered west middle school, I am the smartest kid in my grade. I won every school, and sport related thing you can think of. Today I am in P.E. and we were playing dodge ball, me and my friend were talking and dogging all the balls that came our way. Then I didn't see a dodge ball coming at me, my friend looked behind me with wide eyes and said, "LOOK OUT!" I put my up to try to protect me... But nothing hit me. I looked around me and a big force wild was surrounding me. I put my hands down and the force field went away. I looked around and everybody was staring at me with their mouths a gape. I just smiled at them but then turned it back into a frown and ran out if the gym.

It was time to go home and I ran as fast as I could to the house. I told my mom and dad what happened their eyes became big and they looked at eachother. "What's wrong?", I asked they looked at me. "We found you on the ground after a tornado, so we took you in.", my mom said." you were twitching when we found you so we got in a car and took you to the nearest hospital and they said that you got struck by lightning so we were scared you would die". I thought about it in my head and something came to me, maybe I have powers. For the past couple of months I have been trying to learn mew superpowers I learned, tornado, earthquake, blizzard, volcano, hurricane, tsunami, and other natural disasters. The kingdom put me in the army and I became captain.

Then one day we saw our worst enemy 10 days away from our city(with the latest technology we can see all over the world and it will warn us if danger is near), so the king came to me and asked me to get all the soldiers ready and warn the people. I warned everyone to grab there belongings and follow me to a secret chamber with lots of rooms in it. Ounce I got there I assigned in each a room. I went to my families room and they were having so much fun in their new home. My mom and dad stood up and gave me a big hug, " what are you doing here.", they asked." I came to tell you that I won't be able to see you anymore, I am moving to a different base.", I said. Tears formed in their eyes they sat me down. They said, "even though we are not your real parents we love you like a daughter, we will miss you and wish you the best of luck.", tears formed in my eyes and all of us came in for a hug, but were stopped by screaming citizens, they ran in and said," the army is here!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2018 ⏰

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