Chapter 1 back to school

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"Hello!" Screamed every one
in happiness as they walked up into the school hall. As all of the groups of friends met up  they were all chatting about how they went to the mall and looked at the Barbie's.Emily walked in, ( everyone pretended to like her ) excitedly she told everyone how she went to the zoo and all of the all of the snakes spoke to her but everyone just giggled as they walked away.

The bell went and everyone made there way back to class
The teacher told everyone to open up there books to page number 47 as everyone opens there books Emily was still getting over them not believing her. The time passed quickly and it became break time : then lunch then the last lesson of the day. For the last lesson of the day they all had to decide what job they wanted to do when they were older and why. Emily didn't know what to write; if she did tell the truth the teacher probably would not believe her. She sat there for a while then a while longer and then she had a idea. Then she forgot the idea then she went straight back to not knowing what to do.

The home time bell rang as Emily realised she had not written anything, she quickly looked at everyone's work and they had all at least done two paragraphs. Everyone was so keen on what they wanted to do when they were older but she didn't. Emily was the only  child left in the class as the teacher approached her
She stood still. The teacher asked what was wrong and Emily replied saying " oh nothing I was just leaving."
She quickly grabbed her bag and ran out of school.

As she got home she quickly ran up to her room saying not a word. She had a nap and about one hour later she Heard her mum call her for tea. she ran to the dining room, tea went quickly after the strange story her father had told. She gave her mum a kiss on the cheek and ran straight to her room to do her homework. Before she knew it she was fast asleep.

After she had been asleep for a few hours she woke up, it was about midnight she looked around then looked at her desk and realised that she had not finished her homework. she turned on her lights and grabbed her homework book ,a hour later she was finished. She got back into bed and gradually got back to sleep. Once she was asleep she suddenly had a deep dream. Her dream was all about the snakes what spoke to her, she was confused was that just a dream.her dream went away and her mind was blank.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2018 ⏰

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