The Gift of a Name

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A blond was running down the cobbled streets that were away from the busy main street, he was being chased by a few old men since he stole something, most likely food. The blond couldn't see where he was going very well due to his bangs being so long that they covered his eyes. Though, by the way he ran dodging dogs, cats, and boxes it didn't seem like he was having trouble seeing. The shouts of the older men faded as he got farther away from them, but he kept running anyway wanting to lose them completely before he would stop to rest. He ran into a well-dressed redhead knocking the redhead to the ground as he hurried on.

"Hey watch it!" the redhead yelled after the smaller teen. His words fell on deaf ears seeing as the blond was too far away. The redhead sighed and stood brushing himself off then noticed some of his money was gone. He sighed and headed after the blond.

Once the blond got a safe distance away he stopped running, he looked over his shoulder panting. Sky blue eyes were being obstructed by blond hair as he scanned the street behind him. When he saw that no one was there he sighed and relaxed. Pulling out a small bag out of his pocket, inside the bag was an apple, a small piece of cheese, a few euros and a small knife, most of the items were stolen.

"Aw man! It's the same as yesterday!" The blond complained with a sigh stuffing the bag and its contents back into his pocket. He trudged to a run-down building, no one else was there seeing as the building was slowly falling apart. The first floor looked like it had been some sort of shop at one point, now it was the blond's home. The small teen plopped onto his makeshift bed which were only a few scraps of fabric to try and ward off the chill.

"Those guys are getting quicker," he sighed pulling out the bag and took out the cheese and the knife his stomach growling as he did so. Pausing his eating when something fell but went back to eating thinking it was just a stray dog or cat.

"So this is where you hide you little shit!" Someone snapped. The blond looked up startled cutting his palm quite badly. His blue eyes widened in fear as he scrambled to stand, but he didn't get a chance the group of thugs kicked him so he stayed on the ground. From there they started to beat him and curse him. The blond had stolen something from them some time ago and they finally found him. When they were done he was kicked into a wall knocking him out.

The redhead just arrived at the rundown building when the thugs left laughing, one of them tossing some coins up and catching them on the way down. Once the thugs left he went to investigate. When he found the blond, who wasn't in good shape, he was worried about the obviously dirty and starving teen. The redhead shrugged off his coat and took it in between his teeth while he manoeuvred the other onto his back. After getting the blond onto his back he somehow managed to get his coat over the other. From there he headed back home where he knew his mother wouldn't turn away someone in need, unlike others in the village who would.

When he arrived home and started to head to a vacant guest room his coat fell off the blond alerting a maid who was walking past. She hurried the redhead into a guest room where he set the blond down while the maid got help. Once the redhead made sure the blond was getting help he went to explain to his parents.

Sometime later the blond woke up panicked before a maid who was checking on him calmed him down. The blond was still panicked but wasn't trying to leave when the maid left. When she did the redhead came in and sighed in relief.

"Oh good, you're awake my folks were starting to get worried. I'm Gaglioffo by the way but please just call me G." Gaglioffo or rather G said. The blond blinked owlishly in confusion and shock. G sighed, he wasn't even sure if the blond understood what he was saying. The blond's blue eyes flashed a dark orange for a split second.

"What am I doing here?" the blond asked, he never really had a name so he didn't say one. He was called a lot of things ranging from little shit to cat(gatto) but never by an actual name.

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