The Space Between Us

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"Hey"I said looking up into the night sky. I did this every night and I will tell you why in a minute. "I don't know if you're listening right now but I'll tell you anyway" "I just wish you were here with me,times have been ruff right now and it would help if you were" I closed my eyes and imagined her again as I did every time. The reason why I did is because my friend died in a car accident 2 years ago and I believe she can hear me. So I want to let her know I haven't forgotten her.

I went back inside as it was freezing out there. It was in the dead of winter here in New York City. I could still hear all of the cars honking and the people talking as they walk home from a long day of site seeing and shopping. I always hated this city as there was too much going on around me and it was so loud. I lust wanted to live somewhere much more quit so I could focus my thoughts.

My mom yelled from the other room "BED TIME" As she normally does when it's 9:30pm. "Ugh" I said aloud because I had to go to school tomorrow. School wasn't that bad. I got to see my best friends like Megan,Jenna,Micah,Emma and Chloe. Chloe was my best friend and she was there for me 24/7. Chloe and I have only been friends for about 1 year but time doesn't define friendship. I don't think that just because you've only known a person for a short time that you can't know that person as well as your life long friends. I turned my lamp off as I lay down in my bed ready to go to sleep. But my eyes just won't stay closed as I had too much on my mind. I stared at the ceiling for a good 30 minutes before I finally, finally fell asleep. I know I dreamed a good dreams last night but I just couldn't remember them. Though it seemed to me that my mind had been elsewhere as my body tried to make me focus on what it was thinking.I was getting ready for school when my cat frosty wouldn't stop tangling around my legs. He meowed over and over again but I had no clue as to what he wanted. He had food and water and all his toys were he could reach them. He didn't want attention because every time I gave him some he just walked away. Then he would turn around and go right back to trying to trip me. It finally came to me that he wanted me to sing him his favorite song. I know, I know it sounds crazy. How could a cat ever listen and how could a cat ever know when you're singing a song. But for some reason frosty seemed to know perfectly well. His favorite song. I sang to him as he sat by my side,purring his little heart out. He stopped meowing and left to go sit on his cat post as I left to get on the school bus.

A/N Hi my angels thanks for reading the first chapter of The Space Between Us. I will try to write once a week for you guys but if I can't I will say why I could not in the next chapter. I know that this story was a little short but I thought it was pretty good so far. Follow me so you know when the next chapter has begun

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