chapter 1

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               It started out as any normal saturday morning in the Cooper's house. Dad just got back from a busness trip, and Brinda "AKA mom" was trying to cook breakfast and act like a truthful wife wich she is not beczuse everytime dad leaves for something she always has some rando guy coming in and out of her room every night. I should tell dad what she is doing, but she has him rapped around her little krooked finger, so no matter what I say he would never belive me. His own flesh and blood, but than again she has boobs and a butt, and I don't so no wonder she gets away with everhing and i don't. wish I was a girl right now, but not really beacuse it's funny to see how good of an actor she is and how he falls for the act everytime. Oh yeah, and than there is me who is hiding from the blinding sun raise that has crept through the blinds on my windows. this is the only part i hate about going to sleep, is waking up. it's the worst ever. oh, and escpecually when you are right in the middle of a dream and you wake up, and you try to go back to sleep just so you can try and finish the dream, but you can never finish it so you don't know whats going to happen!! Oh god I hate when that happens to me! It's just like watching a mystory movie on you phone and you hit 0% right when it gets to the good part of it witch is when they are about to reveal the murder. Yeah, thats happened to me one to many times... 

   Anyways once i finally get my burning eyes to adjust to the light i can get up and get ready for my boring day ahead of me. Just give me a sweatshirt that goes with my black jeans and we are good to go. This is where i than go down stairs and act like a good 15 year old son to my hoe of a young stepmom, and to my dad who has barely been in my life because his job always comes first. I learned this when dad left right before mom's funeral started. I was 10 when my world fail apart for good. It's really kind of sad how I still haven't gotten  over everything, but before I can act all depressed and stuff I need some food in my belly.

  So, as I was eating my daily breakfast I saw my stranger of a dad walk into the room with a  somewhat business outfit on. He seemed to be rushing to gather his things that seemed to have just been put away from his last trip.
"Hey, Chase have you seen...?" it was kinda weird hearing dad talk to me like no time has passed between us when really we berially talk to eachother. He can't even finish his sentences when he talks to me. He just messes with his hair and walks out of the brunch room. And Yes, i said brunch room we also have a dinning room. Did i forget to tell you that my "family" is a little rich. We live in a huge house with five rooms up stares with a living room in the center of the four rooms. while the down stairs has our dinning room and brunch room, a kichen, laungre room, and we even have a in door and out door pool. we have all of these rooms, but we only have one cleaning lady that comes every Monday and Thursday to pick up the place. I do most of the stuff when it comes to food and doing other things around the house which sucks because i always have homework, and football to do! oh, and i have a life outside of school, and outside of my suffocating prison house!

        "Chase!!" dad's booming voice shook me out of my wondering thoughts wich made me look like a deer in the head lights when all i see is dad at the front door leading to the outside  ironically. He was waiting for me. "What are you doing? get your head out of the clouds, get you shoes on and come with me." before I could even think the shock of him talking to me got my body moving like a dog following orders from their master. I quickly slide my feet in my Vans and  sprinted towards the door where my dad was checking his watch probably to see if we were going to be late or somthing to who knows what. "Ready." I said  sounding actually kind of excited for some reason. He looks me up and down for a second " good enough." is all he said as he walked out to his car that was patiently waiting for us. I didn't really know what to think by him saying good enough. what does he mean by that exsactly? Are we going to go somewhere kinda nice and  professional because I would have changed if that is the case! Non the less I find myself  getting into my dad's car without a word. 
       It has been ten solid seconds in the car and it has never been so awkwered  between my dad and I! "So Dad, lay it on me. What is going on, and where are we going ?" I watched him. waiting for him to anserw me as he buckels himself in to the safty of his souped up car that he pays more atition to than me. which i guess isn't saying much becase I bet if he could he would sell me off to the first better he got. You may be thinking no way he wouldn't do that he loves you its just that he doesn't know how to express him self. Right? Thats how this is supposed to play, right? He finally cracks and says how much he loves me and needs me, and everything is supposed to lead  into a happily ever after. Well, news flash!!that's not going to happen. Not in this familly, and definatly not to me.

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