Miss Succubus is Hungover

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Sakie's POV- Friday before school:

"Thank you." I say, walking through the gates at the empty train station, the station completely quiet and eerie in the darkness of early morning. The security guard stood at the doors didn't pay attention for the most part, but then coughed on his doughnut, tensing up as he looked at me. He was trying to act like nothing had happened. Though I knew it did, but I tried not to burst out laughing. At the same time, wishing I could be normal. God, being a succubus really got on my nerves sometimes...

I drank so heavily last night. Now I've got a really bad hangover... and I got no sleep. I was up all night marking those tests. And I threw up all over my planning. What a great start to the day.

Leaning back in my seat on the train, I try hard not to fall asleep. Even doing that could possibly give others quite... erotic dreams. It's happened so many times before.

"Excuse me." I open the door to the biology prep room, and pile the test results for maths onto Takahashi-sensei's desk, for him to pin up on the exam notice board. Thing is, he was lying there too, completely zoned out. "Oh, you're drooling onto Kusakabe's test paper!" I move it away. "Um, Takahashi-sensei?!" I shake him awake.

Then I realised I wasn't supposed to touch him, and let go. Especially now. "Shit!" He jolts awake, breathing heavily and sweating all over. "God, what a weird-- Oh! Satou-sensei!" He bows slightly, getting up from his desk, his wide eyes not looking away from my chest that was barely hidden by a thin tank top.

"O-Oh, sorry!! I forgot to zip it back up when I unzipped it because it's really hot in here! And, um, pretty much everywhere! I guess Hikari won't be happy about that, huh?!" I apologise frantically, zipping it up. Ohh, not again. My zipper got stuck on my breasts. I chuckle nervously and zip it up properly, pushing my breasts inside the tracksuit. "Sorry about--"

"Don't worry about it." He smiles nervously. "So, about tonight, I--"

"Tonight?" I ask, a confused expression on my face.

"Didn't you call last night saying you wanted to go out for drinks tomorrow night instead of Saturday?"

"I-- I did?" I scratch my head. "Oh. Um, I was drunk."

"I could tell." He smiles. "You were definitely saying a lot of things..."


"They could definitely reveal a lot about you..." My eyes widen in fear and what does he do? He just laughs. "I'm joking." He freezes once I nudge him hard, struggling to get his words out.

"O-Oh, sorry. I thought my aphrodisiac effect didn't actually affect you."

"Well, I mean... Might be wrong." He clutches himself.

"I tend to avoid social contact around this time of the month. Well, all the time. But, still. You know what I'm talking about, biology teacher?"

"I think so."

"Well then, would you like to learn something new about succubi from a succubus herself?"

"Um, depends what it is?" Beads of sweat form on his forehead as I move closer so he could feel my breath on his face. He was breathing extremely heavily now as I unzip my tracksuit again, a look of seductiveness in my eyes. "Is it hot in--"

"Perfectly fine. The ability a succubus has to seduce men depends on how far along her menstrual cycle she is."

"In what way?" He grasps the sofa and moves backwards, though I follow him.

"For example." I wink, an unusually confident expression on my face. "Right now, I'm ovulating. So my ability to attract men is a lot higher than when I'm on my period, when it's at its lowest."

"I-- I see. You just know when everything is?"

"I can tell by how men react to me. Look at your reaction now." I sit on his lap and touch his face with just one finger.

"Yeah... But you're-- you're a s-s-succubus... So you have that effect on men. I mean, you're sat on my lap. So, even if you weren't a succubus, it'd still have an effect."

"What are you saying?" I tilt my head to one side, my breath tickling his face. He knew I was purposely teasing him, but to be honest, it felt pretty good.

"Are you sure you're okay, Saki-- Satou-sensei? To go out for drinks tomorrow night? It seems you've definitely had enough already." His eyes widen as I shuffle around on him, my breasts pressed unintentionally against him, and I felt him getting wetter underneath me.

"Well, about that." I move away from him and sit down next to him. "I don't know if it's a good idea for me to go out to a place where there might be-- no, definitely will be a lot of people."

"Yeah, I understand." He breathes out heavily. "We don't have to if you'd like."

"N-No! I mean, I didn't say that!" I sigh.

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, I've got a lot of beer in the storage cupboard. I've got a lot of final tests to mark, so I probably don't have any time to hang out tonight. You can join me if you'd like. Though I know you probably don't like beer."

"What makes you say that I don't like it?" Crap, if I say I like it, he's probably going to think of me as an old man who does nothing but drink beer all day! And then says stupid things when they're drunk!

"Do you like it?"

"I-- I guess, it's okay, yeah..." I mumble.

"Good. There's another meeting with the other demi-humans tonight. So, you might want to come along..."

"Y-Yeah, might do that. I don't know if I should drink. I've got a really bad hangover."

"Should you be at school like that?"

"Oh, I'll be fine. I'll probably fall asleep eventually." I smile nervously. "But, I guess I can come along tonight. I have to mark maths tests as well. So, if you don't mind..."

"Oh, not at all. You're welcome to. I'll probably be alone since everyone else is celebrating the last day of finals."

"They probably will." I stand up. "Ok, thank you, Takahashi-sensei. I'll be going now." I close the door behind me and walk off calmly across the corridor. As soon as I turn the corridor, I squeal to myself. "Alright!! I did it!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2018 ⏰

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