Grossman x Laughing Jack X Reader Lemon (comdey short)

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One day **** and ***** where sitting writing fanfictions as usaual being dirty and that, but what they didn't relize that Jeff The Killer and Homocidal Liu where standing in the window watching. As **** and **** looked up Jeff and Liu slowly walked backwards. Grossman then walked to the window and stared like he wanted to join. Grossman ripped off his cloths and jumped through the window and face planted the table **** said, "is he dead?" so **** poked him and his head did a 360 degree turn. **** jumped back. Then laughing jack came up to the window and peeped in, "what kind of game is this?!" LJ asked. "A game you don't wanna play!" said Jeff. "BUT I WANNA JOIN IN!!" LJ said as he stretched his arms through the broken window. He grabbed Grossmans ass cheeks and squeezed. Grossmans head turned all the way around and pulled in LJ. They didn't relize that *** and **** where slowly backing away, "Where are you going? GET BACK HERE!" Grossman pulled them in for the fun. The next day *** and **** where trumatized


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2014 ⏰

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Grossman x Laughing Jack X Reader Lemon (comdey short)Where stories live. Discover now