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Every single night its all the same. I dream of the same memory of my past. I see a boy, probably no older than 8 years old. That little boy is me. Or at the very least a me I disassociated myself from.

Flames engulf the world around him as he just stands there in his blue and white pajamas.

He's just standing there almost as if he's reflecting on the home he used to know just burns to ash right before his big grey eyes. As if he snaps of of a trance he starts screaming out for his parents from the yard.

"Mommy, Daddy please I'm scared!!"
He kept screaming and screaming his little heart out. Yet no one answered. The sounds of sirens can be heard blaring in the distance getting closer and closer.

The sirens stop as both the police and the fire department park their vehicles and rush to the boy's aid.

He seems relieved as they exit approach him. The police grab him away from the yard and puts him in their car.

"My Mommy and Daddy are still inside!!!"
I feel as if that is the that first time his shrill voice has ever been that loud.

Everything goes dark. My eyes burst open as I shot up from my bed.

"Why do I keep having this dream after all this time?"
I feel a wet substance on my chest. I dip my finger in this substance and I give it a whiff.

"Oh no."
I feel a sense of dread as I get up out of bed. I exit my room making my way to the bathroom in the dark. As I walk through the hallway I can her the liquid lile substance dripping onto the white tiled floors.

Opening the bathroom door I say to myself.

"Please don't let it be what I think this is"
Saying out loud to myself hoping the substance was just some other iron smelling liquid besides blood.

I turn on the light closing my eyes as walk slowly to the mirror.

"Please...just please not blood, not again."
My eyes slowly open. I start breaking down at my bloodied figure in mirror.

"Whoever you are I'm sorry, I'm sorry please forgive me,"
On my knees crying for the person I obviously just killed.

Why does this happen to me what cursed me to be like this. What did I do to deserve this.

My uncle Joel walks into the bathroom, seeing me on the floor.

"It happened again didn't it."
I nod my head barely being able ti coherent sentences anymore.

Joel sighs at my sorry state.

"Give me your clothes and get into the shower. I'll go get the your sheets into the wash. I'll leave the mopping and hydrogen peroxide to you. And Andrew until you are able to find out what this is and how to control it and even after that you'll always be able to count on me."

I give him a half smile wiping away my tears.

"Thanks Joel."

Author's Note

I have never been really good at makomg stories however I always have ideas for them so I decide why not put my ideas to paper so to speak.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2018 ⏰

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