First Meetings

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Anika was sitting on the bench inside a park. Her eyes wandering towards the crowd formed around a man, dressed as the Santa clous on this Christmas Eve. A small laugh escaped her mouth as she remembered her childhood and all those Christmas’ Eve that she’d spent with her friends in an orphanage, followed by a lone tear as she stared at the Santa—man across the park, mentally thanking him to make those children happy. Every year on this particular Eve she comes to this park and sits on this exactly same bench to enjoy the scene of happy children. It really amazes her to see the little ones this excited by a fiction-ous character and this eager for a gift from him that they could’ve easily gotten from their parents. But, that’s how children are—a little bundles of joy.

Her eyelids dilated at the thought of someone—a special someone who’ve entered her life like a “whoosh” of a wind as she calls it. Exactly 4 years ago on this very bench they’ve met. One minute he was standing on the side of a park, waiting for someone—an acquaintance maybe? And after a few minutes, like a ’WHOOSH!’—he was sitting on the bench beside her. At first she didn’t like it, a stranger invading her private ritual of looking at the happy children. But, after sometime, when she looked to her side, she saw a very beautiful man—Man and not a BOY that she’s used to see everywhere nowadays.

And man, that man looked sad. She’d wanted to wipe that tiny bit of frown line appeared on his forehead, wanted for him to be happy, to smile. He’d caught her staring at him lifting a brow in question. Shit! She’d thought, shuffling on her side of the bench. How come she’d be this careless to openly gawk at a someone when she didn’t even know him? She’d thought, as she braced herself back to her side of bench, wondering why he wasn’t encouraging a conversation with her. And just like he’d sensed her subconscious question, a hand was offered in front of her in an introducing manner. She again turned her head to her side, glancing at him over her shoulder blades seeing him properly for the first time in this cold—freezing night and what she saw had her speechless. She was pretty used to the ‘cheesy’ term “love at first sight” but, till now she’d never experienced anything like she was feeling now by just looking at him.

“Raj”, said the handsome homo sapient sitting beside her. “Huh?”,she asked thinking that she’d lost it. Like she’d really really lost it. His voice, smooth as velvet and all along what to be called a man’s voice. Raj? What a creative name, she thought as a mischievous smirk glazed her lips. “Simran”, answered Anika offering her hand to him with that playful smirk.

To be continued

Merry Christmas (Shivika short ff)Where stories live. Discover now