I hate you

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(h/c- your hair color)

(e/c- your eye color)

(s/c- your skin color)

(f/c- your favorite color)

(h/l- hair length)

(y/n- your name)

( The age difference between you and France isn't big. He's like maybe... Four years older than you. Yeah, let's just say that c:)

You sat there uncomfortably as all the other countries stared at you. Alfred was grinning ear to ear, as he sat next to you.

"Sup dudes. I'd like to introduce y/n. She is Alaska and has been granted independence not too long ago. And now she's her own thriving country." Alfred said as he put his arm around you, smiling happily.

You smile shyly and say hello. You were shy and quite kind of person, but once people started to know you they noticed how kind and creative you are. Everyone who knew you, adored you. And not to mention you were stunningly beautiful, incredibly smart and always think outside the box. Some people would expect you to be cold and mean, but that's not true. Being the daughter of America you were a fun loving gal. And when you asked for independence, Alfred granted you it immediately.

Alfred just didn't bring you to the conference just to introduce you. No, he wanted you to interact with the other countries and let them get to know you. His theory is that once you show off your charm and intelligence, a majority of the countries would like to form alliance with you and trade goods with you.

"So she's basically your daughter." England spoke up. "Which means,.. I'm a grandfather." He became upset as he realized how old he was getting.

"Yep, she sure is. And she's growing bigger every time I see her! Her population is growing and her land is flourished with many amazing things. I gotta say, I'm a proud papa." Alfred said with a huge grin.

Then Germany spoke up. "Well, it's nice to meet you y/n." He smiled lightly.

"Ve, and may I add you're a very pretty lady." Italy said in his adorable Italian accent.

You blush very lightly. "Thank you Italy."

"Watch it Feliciano, I don't want you flirting with her." America said with a warning glare.

"Alright, let's get this meeting started." Germany announced and everyone but you, America and Italy brought their attention to Germany.

Italy shrugged and blew you a kiss. You giggled and caught the invisible kiss in the air with your hand, as if it was real. America frowned and began to sizzle with frustratiton. He then turned his attention to Germany as he began talking about business matters.

You listen attentively and write down things that were important in your notepad. And then suddenly, felt an uncomfortable disturbance and it made you feel uneasy. You decided to see what it was, you glanced to your left and saw someone staring at you. Not just anyone, the one and only Francis Bonnefoy (France) was staring at you.

Once he noticed he was caught staring, he smirked and winked at you.

You didn't respond in any way, no blush or anything. You just turned your attention back to Germany and his lecture. You felt uncomfortable though, he was still staring at you. You can feel his gaze burning your skin. As if his eyes gave off ultraviolet rays. You glanced to your left and saw that he was definitely still looking at you. Nobody else noticed, they all were completely oblivious and well attentive to what Germany was saying.

France smirked again and bit his lip. You gave him a look of confusion and he blew you a kiss. You did nothing, you didn't catch it and put it in your pocket like you did with Italy's. Francis pretended like he was hurt and looked at you with sad eyes. You only rolled your eyes and turned your attention back to Germany.

Francis frowned, and furrowed his eyebrows. Why doesn't she like me? And why would she flirt with Feliciano and not me?! He thought. France then smirked again. Ohh, but don't you worry my flower, you won't be able to resist my charm for long. He said inside his head.

The conference finally ended two hours later and everyone were leaving to go to dinner.

"Ya coming, y/n?" Alfred asked, standing in the doorway.

You frown as you search for your wallet and cellphone in your bag. "Uhm, yeah, let me just go back to my hotel room. I have to get my stuff first and then I'll join you"

"Alright, I'll be at the restaurant down the street, if ya can't find it give me a call or something." He said as he left the room.

You nodded and started walking out of the conference room, in the opposite direction of Alfred. Your heels clacked against the fancy marble that covered the floor of the hallway. You were almost to your hotel room when you felt it. That gaze, it's back.

You turn around and were now face to face with a man with purple eyes. You caught gaze of his eyes and thought they were a very pretty pair of eyes. Then you realized it was Francis.

"What do you want? Why were you following me?" You asked in a demanding tone. You've never talked to anyone like this, but since it was France you were talking to, you didn't care.

France looked kind of surprised you'd talk to him in such a way. "I wanted to give you this." He opened his palm and showed you your room key.

"Oh." You took it from him. "Why couldn't you give it me earlier or something? You didn't have to stalk me all the way over here like a creep." You narrowed your eyes at him. "And I felt your gaze, you were staring at my butt weren't you?!" You ask in frustration.

France leans in close to you, and looks at you with a slight smirk on his face. "So what if I was? You can't blame me, it is a nice ass."

You blush very lightly and glare at him. "Pervert!" You turn around and walk away from him as fast as you can.

"Aw come on, don't be like that y/n." He said as he walked towards you.

"Go away." You say irritated, you finally approach your hotel room and try to unlock the door. You drop the keys and bend over to pick them up, completely forgetting you had a skirt on.

"Mmm, nice panties y/n." France said with a light chuckle.

You blush pink and facepalm. Of all days, why did you pick today to wear this skirt. With keys clenched in your fist you turn around, and glare at Francis.

He chuckles again and you begin to unlock your door. You walk into your room and turn around to speak to France. "Thanks for pointing that out Francis, now why don't you go get AIDS and die." You say coldly.

France looks at you, he actually looking very hurt by your words. "Why would you say such cruel words?" He asked lightly.

You felt sorry for saying such a hurtful thing but your pride wouldn't let you take it back, instead you said even more hurtful words. "Hmm, let me see. You stared at me the whole entire time of the conference. You stalked me down the hall. You looked at my ass, and my underwear. Honestly, if you had any decency, you'd look away. You're a pervert and I honestly don't like you." You say agitated with his presence.

Francis' heart sank and he felt like he was taking by the neck and thrown down a cliff into ice cold water. When he finally was able to speak, he asked. "You really don't like me?" His voice was sad and it made you regret your choice of words. But what you said next made you regret it as soon as it passed your lips.

"No, I hate you" You say bluntly and close your door.

Francis Bonnefoy x Reader (LEMON)Where stories live. Discover now