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Mio Sakamoto, placed down a dish of a White cream, and spoon on a small table, wearing a Yukata. She switched on, the TV she has,

as the announcer said, " Last Time, if you recall... ." " * Laughs * Lost In Space.", said Sakamoto. " Mio. Mmmiiiooo.", said a voice.

" Who's there?", she said, hitting the 'mute' button, and holding her clothing closed and close to her. " Take off your Yukata."

" What? Why should I?", she asked. " I want to see your beautiful body." That last remark caused her, to dash from her room.

Soon, the area was sealed by, Christina's Team. She approached the distrought Major and Minna, and held up an evidence bag.

" Mini Bluetooth speaker, hooked up to a thin phone charger pack, and controlled remotely.", she said. " Why, why do this?", asked

Sakamoto. " Found something!", said Perrine. Christina walked over to a bookshelf, and seen something. " Is that, what I think it is?",

asked the young Kalrsland girl. " Yes. It seems to be a wireless Web Camera.", replied the Gallian. " Christina - san, The light bulb!", said

Yoshika, shining her light at the bulb. " O - M - Gosh!", she said.

The Team, the 501st and 502nd, were gathered in the NCIS Section. " Due to the emotional sensitivity of this investigation, I asked

our regular support staff, to take time off, for a bit.", said Christina. Taking out her phone, she pressed upon an App, and the room

was secure. " We can talk freely. First, the cameras we found in the Major's Room. * takes wireless presenter * As you can see,

they were placed in the four corners of the room. Those were fakes. Possibly to throw us off, or begin to unnerve Major Sakamoto.

* picks up lightbulb with plastic gloved hand * We did find, the real camera. ", said Christina. She pulled out her flashlight, and shined

it in the bulb. With in was the filiments and something else. " Thanks to Yoshika, we were so focused on finding evidence on the ground

and around us, we did not think to look above our heads. This is a camera, which can be remotely operated by, Cell phone, Laptop,

or Desktop computer, depending on signal strength." " Are you saying, all this time, he was watching me. Taking off my clothes,

slipping on my Yukata, going to bed?", asked Sakamoto. " Whoever is doing this, may had recorded you.", replied Christina.

Sakamoto slipped into the nearest chair, in absolute shock. Christina stood aside, to reveal a duffle bag.

" We got our selves a plan, to get you to a safe location. Take the outfit, on the top, and use the rest in the duffle bag, during your

stay in the 'safe house'.", said Christina. " We'll give you, privacy."

The others, was outside as, Minna asked, " Who would do this?" " Someone, who would have access to the bedrooms, and somebody

who is Tech Savvy.", said Chrsitina. " I'll give you cleaning and maintenance staff rosters.", replied Minna. " I'm ready.", said

Sakamoto, through the Office doors. The group walked in, and seen the 501st second in command, in a Black hoodie, jeans,

and Black Wedgies. " * laughs * I guess I'm ' stylin' ' .", she said. She stepped out of the Main Building, and to the waiting pick up.

She climbed in, and it drove off. Satisfied, the truck was at a safe distance, LaSalle said, " Miss Sakamoto, you may lower your hood."

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