Introduction + Rules

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"Dear esteemed guests and friends,

If you've received this letter, that means you are hereby invited to a dinner party at my newly acquired mansion. The mansion's history dates all the way back to the 1930's, as a project to help underpaid workers during the Great Depression. The previous owner left it to his son who later left it to me, including the butler service. However, the mansion quite strange. For it to appear to you, you must fully dressed in a personality reminiscent of the Thirties, and must be carrying absolutely nothing from the modern world. On the back of this introduction, I have attached specific details about you and your "role," so to speak. I hope to see you there!"



1. No hate OOC. I will not tolerate it. 

2. Keep bullying to a certain degree in the RP. I hope there will be those characters, but if you take it to far, I will force my hand and punish you.

3. You all have eleven chapters to beat the game. Each chapter is 24 hours. If a puzzle is not solved by the end of one chapter, the game is over, and you will have failed.

4. The group gets three retries throughout the game.

5.  If I am absent from a chapter, there will be an extension given based on the amount of time I was absent.

6. One character per person.

7. Be as active as possible, and tell me if you are going to be inactive for a while.

8. Everyone has a fair chance of dying. The premise of dying is the same, put to a vote, and two will be chosen at random--I will not pick out who does the challenge, that is up to fate.

9. If you die in the RP, you are dead and cannot respond anymore.



During investigations, you all have make your own chains for what you do. 

I.E: A Girl looks for clues in the bookcase. 

She would make her own chain for that, and anyone is welcome to leave their own chain and join her. If you DO find a clue, I will PM you what you found. It is your job to find a way to tell everyone--or hell, maybe even don't tell anyone and keep to yourself. I don't care what you do with it. You can mention everyone at once, go to separate chains, or just not tell anyone.

If you leave your chain, SPECIFY that you did so. Those who are still in your chain are welcome to stay there, but if you leave a chain you were previously in, SPECIFY IT! 

For example, A Boy is talking with two Girls, but leaves to go look for clues under the bed.

He would specify that he left, and if nobody is already looking under the bed, he would start a new comment chain. Again, others are welcome to join. 

IF there are multiple groups for WHATEVER reason, I cannot stress how important it is for you to STAY IN YOUR CHAPTER. During challenges, participants cannot look in the lobby, and non-participants cannot view the challenge arena. Reason being? S2 EP2, DeStorm lied about helping Lauren--you may want to hide something from the group if you feel it necessary. This applies to the whole roleplay, not just during challenges.

During a challenge, there is a four hour time limit for participants to complete it--if you cannot make it, PM me BEFORE the challenge. If you fail to do this, I will force your character to be present. The challenge will always be one hour and minutes after voting, and I will reveal the participants around the 30-minute mark, meaning you have one hour to PM if you cannot do the challenge.

If you can't make it, this does NOT excuse you from the challenge--I will simply postpone until you are able to preform the challenge. Again, if you fail to be there at the specified time--even if you told me you can't preform--I will start without you.

After every challenge, I will reset the chapters--this cleans up the chat logs, helping everyone involved. I will create more rooms as necessary, like when you discover secret passages or unlock a previously locked room.

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