Come Back To Me (Sterek smut story)

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Stiles blinked when he saw Scott dragging out Derek with Braeden. He swallowed thickly and hopped out of his jeep, quickly running over to the three.

"Derek! Don't you ever fucking dare do tha-" he had cupped Derek's soft face in his hands, kissing him deeply as his eyes fell shut tight.

"St-Stiles that's not such a goo-" Scott ducked his head down as Stiles pulled away from Derek, dropping his hands from Derek's- no, this boy's- face.

He stumbled backwards, falling onto his back easily. Leaning up on his trembling elbows, blinking up at the younger Derek, who's eyes were wide open, face slowly scrunching into a disgusted expression.

"That's not-", he turned to look up at Malia's hurt expression, ducking his head down shamefully,"Derek."

He shakily let out a breath pulling himself onto his shaky feet, staring back up at younger Derek, watching as his eyes flashed blue. "Derek?"

"Who are you?" younger Derek questioned, pulling slowly away from Scott, stumbling forward and ducking his head down as Scott hurried to pull him back into his arms.

Stiles ran his hands through his hair, quickly grabbing Lydia's hand, to tug her back to the jeep. "We got him. Let's go." Stiles muttered angrily, pulling open the door to his jeep to help Lydia back on.

"But Stiles-" Scott looked to his direction hopefully, lips falling into a frown.

"Let's go Scott. Please." Scott nods his head to the others to follow, slowly following behind them as he half-drags, half-carries Derek.

Everyone had climbed in, Scott carefully pushing Derek into the back, along with a glassy eyed Malia, who climbed out of the jeep to ride with Braeden, Lydia taking her place and Scott taking hers.

- - -

On the way back no one had talked. Derek lifting his head every few minutes to open his mouth, quickly closing it as Scott's eyes flashed red to him, shaking his head apologetically.

Derek had eventually fallen asleep on the way, pulling out strings of cotton out of his jeans with the tip of his single claw.

- - -

They dropped off Kira, Stiles staring out the window as Scott and Lydia had called out a goodnight to her. Stiles rolled his eyes.

There was nothing good about this night.

- - -

The four had arrived at Deaton's, Scott carrying in a sleeping Derek. He carefully set his sleeping form on the platform in the middle of the room, face scrunching in confusion and interest.

Stiles had sat in a nearby chair, arms crossed angrily as he dug his dull nails into them. Derek had forgotten him. Derek doesn't even know him.

He left without a word.

- - -

When Stiles and Scott had stumbled into the police station, Stiles looked at Derek hurtfully, quickly changing back his expression, <i>there's no time for this Stiles</i>.

- - -

When they had finally convinced Derek to go back with Stiles to Scott's, Stiles had gripped the steering wheel tightly on the silent drive. His knuckles had gone white, as well as Derek's face. He looked as if he couldn't tell if Stiles was angry or just annoyed with him. Of course, Stiles was both.

When it was over, Stiles was mentally screaming when they had dinner with Scott's father. He had never felt so annoyed.

Stiles dropped his fork as Agent McCall had told Derek the story of the fire, lips turning into a thin white line as he flicked his eyes to anywhere but Derek. When they had finished, he sprinted upstairs, Derek quickly following after him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2014 ⏰

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