Hello Readers!

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Author's Note:

Thank you for checking out Pipeline! It really means a lot to me. I post a chapter every other Sunday and each one ranges from 1000 to 3000 words, so if you're looking for a quick bi-weekly read this book is for you. I normally outline my works, but this time I'm just going with the flow of the characters and the story so I'm not sure how long it will take to finish this book.

About the Book

Pipeline is a science fiction-action cross over. It's basically a cool video game story, so if you liked Ready Player One be ready for another great story!


I welcome any feedback: positive, negative, and anything in between. However, do not leave a comment like "this stinks" without telling me why it stinks. It doesn't accomplish anything. I will go back in and fix grammar issues when they're pointed out, but I will not be changing entire scenes until I finish the first draft.

Cover and Concept Art

I made the cover I have now, but don't have any art in the chapters. If you draw, paint, or digitally recreate something from Pipeline, let me know! I would love to incorporate art throughout the chapters. In return for doing any of these things, I will give you a shout out and follow you!

All Rights Reserved

The characters, plot-line, and anything else that is written here is my own work. I could go on and on about this, but I will keep it simple: don't steal it. Thanks in advance and hope you enjoy! 

Pipeline (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now