SKIRTS!? - Midoriya x Male Reader

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"No!" All the guys from class 1A said in unison. They all stared in disbelief at the girls. "Come on. We know you guys want to know how it feels to wear a skirt" Uraraka says in an innocent voice, "And besides, are you going to let Momo's hard work to make these two be in vain?"

The guys all looked at each other, raising their eyebrows. "We do it!" Mineta yelled. As a response to that all the guys glared at him, even Midoriya. "Heck no, it's not happening" (y/n) scoffed. The others nodded in agreement. "Please?" The girls used puppy eyes. "Fine, fine, we'll do it" Kirishima sighs. "Great" the girls went back to their cheerful self's, "Okay, everyone has to take a piece of paper from this box and then we will see who will wear the skirts. Kyoka, who was holding the box all this time, walked to every guy to let them take one of the papers.

"Oh no, why me?" Midoriya muttered to himself. Uraraka patted him on the back to comfort him. Everywhere in the room you heard 'yes!' or 'thank goodness'. (y/n) took one like all the others, unfolded it and... "God damn it!" He growled, looking at the paper. Rereading it to see if his eyes didn't betray him. But they didn't. "That's our two lucky guys" Mina giggled. The girls grabbed the arms of the unlucky guys and took them to the locker room to change.

"I feel sorry for them you know. I wouldn't want to switch places, but still" Kaminari told the others. "Yeah, I know what you mean" Iida answered. Some others nodded in agreement and some just ignored it.

"I'm not leaving this room!" (y/n) yelled at the girls who were waiting with Midoriya outside the door. "Come on, (y/n). You probably won't look as ridiculous as I do" Midoriya comforted him. He growled, walking out of the door. "I can walk for myself thank you very much" as the girls begin to drag them back.

"May I present to you, (y/n) and Midoriya!" They were presented by Uraraka. The guys stared at the two in disbelief. "You sure this is them?" asked Shoto. She nodded. Midoriya was staring at the floor, his hands holding down his skirt.

The girls really prepared everything for this. He had a green wig on his head that matched his hair and was pulled back in a ponytail. He was wearing the full girls uniform and even stockings. His face was red from embarrassment. "He looks cute" some guys whispered. (y/n) on the other hand also had a wig that matched his (h/c) hair and black horns, but his was long and wavy and it covered one of his eyes. He was wearing the full outfit also and stockings like Midoriya.

"Damn boy, are you sure you are not secretly a girl?" Kaminari teased him. (y/n) growled with a 'shut the hell up or I'll kill you' look. Mineta suddenly clinged onto the demon's leg. "Marry me" is all he could say before he was kicked off and everyone laughed at him. The demon boy rolled his eyes and looked at Midoriya. "He is so cute" he thought to himself with a small smile. "It smiled" Kirishima reacted shocked.

"Whatever" (y/n) walked towards to door, but Mina blocked with a smirk. "Where do you think you're going?" She asked him. "I'm going to change back to my uniform and forget about all of this" was his answer. "Hey Midoriya you're kind of cute like this, you should cross dress more often" Kaminari put his arm over Deku's shoulders. "K-Kaminari don't say stupid stuff like that". "Yeah, you probably shouldn't" the (h/c) haired boy said under his breath. He grabbed the green haired boy's arm and dragged him out of the room.

"(y/n)-chan, what was that for?" Deku asked as his arm started to hurt from being dragged around by everyone. He never got an answer. Suddenly, Deku bumped into (y/n) because he stopped, he bumped into someone too. "S-sorry for that" apologizes (y/n). Deku looked at the other person, it was one of the older students. He just shrugged and walked off.

They started walking again, until they were in the locker room. (y/n) walked towards his locker and took off the girl outfit. Midoriya couldn't help but look at at his muscled body. The (h/c) haired boy was better in so many ways: he was tall, strong, had an amazing quirk. The taller boy turned around to see Midoriya staring. Staring. At him.

"Midoriya-" he was cut off, "I love you" the smaller boy muttered. (y/n) was shocked: "W-what?" He couldn't believe his ears. "I LOVE YOU DAMN IT" Deku stomped over to him, "I love you..." Tears start welling up in his eyes. "Midoriya..." The demon started his sentence, but was cut off once again, "I know what you're going to say. That I'm a freak or a weirdo, that you don't want me to talk to you ever again. That you hate-"

He was pinned to the lockers and a pair of lips were pressed onto his. After a few moments the lips pulled away. "Let me finish that sentence for you: That I hate not being able to kiss you where and whenever I want. Oh dear Satan, that's all that I freaking wanted" Izuku stood there in shock, before the lips were pressed onto his again. And this time, he kissed back. He loved this warm feeling that was rushing through his body when (y/n) wrapped his arms around his waist.

The two guys walked into the classroom, holding each other's hand. One had a face that looked like it was sun burned and the other had a faint smile on his face. "H-hey guys, we wanted to apologize. We went a bit to far with that" Uraraka apologized, getting a nod from (y/n) as a 'apology accepted'. He kissed the smaller boy on the cheek, his face getting even more crimson than it already was, and walked to his seat with a smirk.

Thank you all so much for reading this first one shot. Don't ask me where I got this idea, because my brain is a weird place you don't want to wander around in. So yeah, I hope you liked this and I'll see you in the next chapter. And before you ask, yes I do suggestions. And before you ask, no I do not do smut in my stories. So yeah, ciao!

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