A sky full of stars ✴ l.p

126 2 4

I walk into the club carefully taking in the loud, bouncing room. It looks how I thought it would. From all of the pictures I've seen, what I'm greeted with in real life isn't much different. It's just how I expected it would be. And I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I work my way over to the bar area. I have no idea how clubs work. Are you allowed to just sit down anywhere? Are you supposed to but a drink? I wander over to someone behind the bar counter and ask if it's fine if I sit at the corner table that's a little hidden from the rest of the room. It's darker anyway. He nods and tells me to go ahead. He's about to leave then and I see my window closing.

"Um am I supposed to get something to drink? Or is it fine to just go and sit over there without?" I cringe inwardly at the incredulous look on his face.
"If you were going to read in the corner you should have gone to a midnight cafe or something. Although they do require you to but a drink. We encourage it but you can stay as long as you want without too."
"Sorry, I just wanted to watch tonight. Sorry. Can I just water or something then?"
"Water it is."

I frown. So far I'm not seeing the charm of this place. It's loud and the lights are going crazy. Just like any other club. The decor is average. Maybe they have good wine or shots or something but I won't be finding that out tonight. Just watching. And hoping to see him somewhere in the crowd. Not that I should see him, but I'm still hoping. I made up my mind to come for that reason watching. Not doing anything else, I don't want to be rude or pushy. No need to come off as a stalker. Someone comes up next to me and waves to the guy I was talking with. I avoid looking at them. Maybe it's because I'm somewhat of a bookworm and most of my guy friends are online or fictional, but I've never been very comfortable with guys.

"Hey Gregory, you still got that stuff from last time?" It's hard to hear their voices as a particularly loud song has just come on and everyone is cheering.
"Yeah mate, got several bottles still. You want some tonight?"
"Great! Yeah I want some. It's heaven, I don't know how you find that stuff!"
"I'm a talented man, what can I say? Eh, wait around and it'll be ready in a few minutes then."
Despite wanting to hide in the bathroom or something I still find myself admiring their accents. It's elegant even at a bar. I turn my eyes to the dance floor and notice that there are actually a few talented individuals tearing it up out there- amid people grinding on each other, of course.
I feel a hand on my arm and brace myself as I turn around to see who is trying to get my attention. I've got pepper spray in my purse but hopefully I won't have to use it.
"What're you getting?" The man who came up behind asks as he tugs on my arm again. His voice sounds so much like...


Crap. (or insert your prefered cuss word)

I honestly didn't think he'd be here tonight. I did my research. Figured out his schedule everything. I was so sure that he wouldn't be here, even if I held out hope for seeing him tonight. I slowly readjust my body so I'm sort of facing him.






Liam. He looks gorgeous in jeans and a white t-shirt. He's got a jacket on the counter next to him.
"Just a water." I say quietly.
"What was that?" He leans even closer, still holding onto my arm. Has he always been so touchy? Maybe he's already had something to drink. He was going to some sort of party tonight wasn't he? A charity event for one thing or another.
"I'm just getting a water." I try to smile a little. It might look like I'm constipated yet he doesn't seem to notice. He only smiles and moves on smoothly, nodding towards the bartender. "Greg's getting me this cocktail thing he's invented. It amazing. If you're looking for a real drink later you should definitely try it. It's absolutely ace."
"Thanks. I'll remember it." I think I actually pull off a smile this time. And he releases my arm as his drink arrives. The bartender glances at me and seems to remember that I'm waiting on a drink too. He pulls out a bottle of water from beneath the counter and slides it towards me. I scramble to get my arm out and clumsily catch it. Then I leave without a backwards glance as quickly as I can without seeming too rude. I speed-walk towards the table I've staked out as mine, glad no one took it while I wasn't looking. I settle down in the chair furthest from everything and let out an uneven breath. I talked to him. I didn't get a picture or say anything that I've wanted to or even get a hug. But I've talked to him.
Wow. I've actually talked to him. I lean back and just let that sink in

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