Alternate Realities- Part One

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I open my eyes to a pounding headache and the ever so dry Sahara desert in my mouth. "Fuck, never again am I having tequila." I prop myself up on my elbows and allow my eyes to adjust to the bright light shining through my window. I take a quick glance around my room and make a mental note to clean it up later. My room currently looks like hurricane Henry ran through after a herd of bulls came trudging by. What an absolute mess. As I got out of bed I tried to recall why I thought it was a good idea to get drunk last night. It was something upsetting that drove me to drink, but what, I can't quite recall. Although my memory is hazy I can sort of make out one significant event that took place yesterday, and that being the break-up between me and my boyfriend... I guess now my ex. Just thinking about it made my head spin. "Damn what am I supposed to do now." I mean the whole break up situation wasn't much of a shocker as it should have been for me. Cole and I had increasingly grew distant over the past year, our focuses switching from each other to other things.  For a while I'd suspected he was cheating on me. Cole was-is a terrible liar and I could tell he was keeping something from me. I should have said something but I knew that Cole was an emotionally demanding and sensitive person at times and I didn't want to upset him...more than he probably already was. Every time I saw him he looked guilty and I felt as if I just didn't want to add to that burden he was carrying. Maybe that's my excuse, but I guess I also not knowing what to say or how to casually bring up "Hey are you sleeping with another girl?" durning a conversation, also played a part in my decision to ignore it. Cole was the first one I had a serious  relationship with, and since I was inexperienced (Cole being the second other person I've dated)  I just didn't know how to handle that type of situation. Since I wasn't able to be there for him like he wanted me to be at the end, he probably turned to someone else for that comfort. I should feel more betrayed and hurt but I already knew about our growing distance a while back, I just decided to push it to the back of my mind and pretend everything was okay. I wish we could have ended it differently though. Not with him and I crying over how sorry we were. How it should have ended better. It shouldn't have ended with him trying to make me feel better as we sobbed in my apartment. I know Cole never meant for this to happen, and neither did I. But the universe makes things happen and everyone in this world plays a very small part in how things will eventually turn out. Either way, last night I must have took his confession as an excuse to look back on all of my mistakes and dwell over them in the darkness of my apartment my only comfort being alcohol. It started of with a small glass of wine to soothe my nerves and eventually lead to a glass of whiskey. In my memory it seems I also drank some sort of a blueish purple substance, but I was drunk so it could have just been a figment if my imagination. One thing after another I ended up drinking half a bottle of tequila by the time I passed out in bed. Looking back on it I'm pissed for turning to alcohol as a coping mechanism. I do have work today and I'm going to have to do it with a nasty hangover. I am never drinking tequila again, the rest of that bottle is going down the drain. No point in keeping it and tempting myself again. I attempt to get out of bed and end up stumbling and falling back into bed. Against my better judgement I decide to lie there a little longer to gain my bearings before I go find some Advil. My thoughts wander, and I end up wondering why me and Cole even ended up dating in the first place. After his dad died in a car crash 15 years ago I was the only one who really stuck by his side while he was grieving. Cole really loved his dad and it hit him hard when his dad passed only years after his mom became a victim of cancer and died as well. He always told me he felt alone and unwanted, that the universe was telling him something. That he should just leave to join his family. We were only 6 when his dad died and he was about 12 once he started having suicidal thoughts. I did everything I could to make sure he stayed here on earth. I showed him that I cared for him and that even if he felt alone and that nobody wanted him that I was there. We were best friends after he got though that. We were lways hanging out together. I mean we went though elementary, junior high, senior high and part of university/collage together. We've done everything together. We practically breathed in eachothers existence daily. When he first asked to kiss me, I was shell shocked but excited at the same time. I was an emotional teenager that craved the perfect relationship and I believed Cole could give me that. So when we started dating about two years ago it wasn't much of a change, at least we originally thought so. At the beginning of our new relationship, we thought we were in love just like any other new couple. Our honeymoon phase consisted of lingering touches, lust filled eyes and a steady burning in our core. Every kiss we shared ignited a fire inside us, setting off fireworks thoughout my entire being. Every touch made our cheeks flush and our skin burn. One thing lead to another on our one year anniversary and once it was over I kind of expected more to come out of it. I wasn't as satisfied or content as I'd hoped to be. That seemed to be our parting point, the cause of our forthcoming distance. Once I went back to school to get my Masters in Zoology, and him receiving a promotion at work we drew apart. Our focuses shifted from each other to our careers and everything went downhill from there. The odd hug or kiss was exchanged nearing the end of our relationship but nothing could re-ignite the fire inside of me that was there at the beginning. Part of me guesses it might have been just pure attraction that kept us together for so long. The anticipation of what could come if we stuck together long enough, keeping us grounded and interested. After our one year anniversary celebration I felt numb in a way. He must have felt the same and craved that burning itch that I could no longer give him. While I can't blame him, because we all have our desires and needs; his being constant emotional support and lingering touches, I wish I would have spoke up when I had the chance. I can't deny that I miss our passionate encounters, the warm fuzzy feeling that once bloomed when I was around him. But I can't do anything about it now, I may as well get myself get ready for work. No use on dwelling on the past. Besides I've lied in bed long enough, If I don't get moving I'll be late for work. I'm currently working at the Detroit Zoo with the wolves. I was assigned to them once I stayed about a month ago. That's around the time when I received my Masters. Immediately I got a request to work there, of course I accepted because I needed the money to pay for my apartment and my schooling bills. I worked so hard for my Masters so why not put it to good use, right? Overall I love my job, it pays well and my boss is more than generous on her vacation days. Since I'm assigned to the wolves at the zoo I spend most of my time studying and caring for them. Wolves are probably my favorite animal, something about them just fascinates me to no extent. Maybe it's their social skills or pack dynamics, they just intrigue me. Anyways, since I work with them pretty much 24-7 I'm always eager to get to work and see my pack. Plus the faster I get to work the faster I can get my mind off last nights events. Before I can do anything efficiently today I am going to need some Advil and some caffeine, this headache is killing me. I made my way to the bathroom  suite and downed a pill with some water. Walking over to my closet I began to look for my uniform for the zoo. Animal Sweaters, Cute graphic T-shirt's, skirts and flower pants? What the hell? Okay this is weird, when did I decide to go out and buy cloths like this? Oh god I hate hangover haziness. Whatever. I don't have time for this, I'm going to be late for work. My uniform must be in the wash. Dang, I was supposed to do laundry last night wasn't I? Angrily I tie my hair up in a messy bun and make my way towards my kitchen for a cup of coffee. "Hopefully this will help kickstart my day." As soon as I stepped foot in my kitchen I felt as if something was off. I took a quick glance around the area and noticed that all of my appliances seemed different. Everything was so clean, and new. All of my appliances and furniture were new when I moved here, but I mean everything is new as in...futuristic. This morning has been so messed up so far! Shaking my head in an attempt to clear my thoughts was obviously a bad idea. That just ended up with my headache coming back to bite me in the ass. "Goddamn headache!" I'm suddenly very eggar to drink a nice warm cup of coffee. As if on que, my doorbell suddenly rings. Confused enough as it is with my house, clothing and relationship issues. Someone at my door at 7:00 in the morning just added to my bewilderment. I generally have a very curious mindset and my curiosity got the best of me this time, as if some invisible force was telling me to go answer the door. Even if my rational side was screaming at me to not answer the door in just in my pajamas. Which is at the moment just a T-shirt and some very short shorts. As I walk towards the door I can hear some quiet shuffling on the other side, as if the person standing there was nervous. Once I unlock my door and open it, I'm met with a pair of warm chocolate brown eyes, a small smile and the addicting smell of freshly brewed coffee. "Good morning Lieutenant, did you sleep well? I brought you some coffee to help wake you up. Two sugar, two cream just how you like it." The man standing at my door offers the coffee to me, stretching out his arm to meet my hand. The confusion must be evident on my face as I slowly accept the coffee he handed me warily. The mans smile falters and turns into a small frown of concern. "Lieutenant are you alright?" He leaned closer to inspect me and I took this opportunity to do the same. I studied the dips and curves in his face, from his nose to his cheekbones. My eyes traced his sharp jawline and shot from freckle to freckle that was dotted on his face. I observed the way his eyebrows furrow at the lack of my response and the way his pink lips purse. How his eyes narrow at me and how they soften slightly once I make eye contact. His long eyelashes flutter as he blinked and the morning sun lit up his pale cool skin. This man was beautiful in a sense. He looked almost too perfect. As I continue to look at him I take note of a blue circular light on his temple. It momentarily flashed from blue to yellow but as soon as it started it stoped and changed back to its pulsing icy blue. Why does he have an LED light on his face? What is it for? I've never seen something like that? Is it a new wireless headpiece for phones? Interesting. My eyes flicker to his attire and I was immediately drawn to a triangle on his right shoulder. It looked as if it were glowing or sparkling in a way, must be the morning sunlight creating that effect. I look over to his left shoulder and noticed some clean bright white writing. RK-800? What does that mean? Is it the designer of his jacket? Before I had anytime to continually analyze him, the man spoke up once more. "Lieutenant, if you keep looking at me like that you'll burn a hole right though me." My cheeks slightly flush in embarrassment from the teasing tone in his voice, but I refuse to back down and remain making eye contact with him. Wait...Lieutenant? Isn't that a police term or something? "If this is your idea of a first date; bringing a complete stranger some coffee-although I appreciate it-at 7:00 in the morning, you'll need to do some research. So, who are you?" The LED light on the side of the mans head blinks for a couple of seconds before he broke eye contact and scanned me and my surroundings. "Do you not remember me Lieutenant? Have you been drinking again? What is with humans and alcohol consumption..." He mumbles the last bit, but I still pick up on it and wonder why he addressed me as a human. Aren't we both humans? "Okay first of all I am not a Lieutenant-or whatever you call it. I'm actually a Zoologist at the Detroit Zoo and I'm in charge of the wolves there. Second of all, how do you know how I like my coffee and why-or how did you know or assume that I had been drinking the previous night? Oh! And humans? Who says that? Aren't we both humans?" I finish with sarcasm dripping from my tongue, obviously teasing the man back. He blinks a couple of times seemingly wanting to speak but unable to come up with anything. He's quiet for a while before he finally speaks up. "Miss (y/n) you may want to sit down, there is something I would like to discuss with you. May I come inside for a couple of minutes. I assure you this won't take long." The once warm and friendly demeanor of the man turns frigid and distant, though his words still seem to soothe me in a way. My eyes widen slightly at his request and my stare becomes harsh. "Aren't people typically supposed to introduce themselves before they enter one another's living spaces?" The man seems dumbfounded at the assertiveness and sarcastic tone in my voice. Only for a moment his mouth is agape before it turns into a smirk that gradually grows on his face. "Apologies Miss (y/n). My name is Connor, and I am the Android sent by CyberLife."

Hello everyone! This is a new book that I'm starting. I've been obsessed with the game Detroit: Become Human lately and the game characters. Specifically Connor. (come one who doesn't love him?♥️) I just had the need to write a one-shot series of ConnorxReader. Since this is my first "xReader" I hope you can give me some help or any suggestions in the comments if you'd like. I'd like to write a couple more chapters for this one-shot, since I have an idea of where I want it to go. But I will also take suggestions for any other one-shots involving you and Connor! Please let me know what you want written and I'll get it done! Since summer is approaching I'll have more time for writing so be prepared for lots of uploads! I hope you guys enjoyed this and that you'll be looking forward to the next chapter coming out. Thank you all for your generous support! I hope you all have a wonderful day my lovelies! Buh-bye!

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jun 24, 2018 ⏰

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