Chapter 1

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Juvia's pov

It's been forever since this happened it was long ago before I was in love with Natsu-sama when I was young and first joined the guild. I was in love with a man called Gray Fullbuster an attractive Ice Hunk or well an Ice Make wizard who was able to calm my storm with his Ice heart.
When joining the guild later in time I soon found out he loved somebody else a girl named Lucy Heartfilla. Lucy was a Celestial Wizard, she had blonde hair with big beautiful honey pooled brown eyes. Her body was nothing to sneeze at either considering she was called a bimbo with her big breasts, hour glassed waist complementing her nice big plump ass that I was once jealous of. I always wonder what people saw in her and how could I be like her so Gray could look in my direction. Turns out I was just looking at the wrong man and trying to impress the wrong man. Here's a story where I finally found the man I always wanted or at least needed.


Natsu pov
I was on my way to the guild to tell Lucy that I love her sadly when I arrived there at the guild hall Lucy was no where to be found. I walk over to the bar counter  where Mira was serving some food to our newest addition member. Her name was Kandy or Kelly? I don't remember but she's a nice girl and seemed to get along with Lucy so in my books she's great. I was gonna wait for Mira to finish talking to the new girl but my excitement got the best of me and I decided I couldn't wait any longer. I had recently had Happy find this job that would be perfect for her and our team to go on. Usually Erza and Wendy join us but they already left on a job this morning.
Finally Mira noticed I was waiting for her to be done with serving the new guild mate. "Hey Mira, have you seen Lucy or know where she might be at?". Mira slowly looks away as if she need to hide something before she finally answered a few seconds later. "She's outside near the creak Natsu but wait-!" She yelled after me while I was running off to the creak outside so excited to tell Lucy about the job Happy had found only for me to finally see why Mira said wait nothing could have prepared my heart or my mind for the seen I saw. I saw Gray and Lucy were kissing underneath the tree by the creek thinking this was all a misunderstanding and maybe I was seeing things I quickly run away from the scene deciding that who was I to interfere with Lucy's happiness her happiness was everything to me and I had no right to interfere. Lucy only ever saw me as a friend and I won't ask her to change that now that I know she loves Gray or at least is with Gray. While running back over to the guild I couldn't help but think about how juvia would feel if she saw them.
One thing I couldn't stand for is both of them know how Juvia feels they could at least think about her instead of leading her on like this at least I think that's what Erza had said to me once, I didn't quite understand what she meant. I quickly took off to Fairy Hills, a girl dormitory for the ladies of Fairy Tail, which usually is against males going there but I Ninja Natsu will never be caught. Jumping up into Juvia's window I walk in her room. Looking around I see her blue room filled to the brim with Gray Plushies big, small and midsize. Her Giant bed in the middle of the room had royal blue bedding sheets and blankets with a few small Gray dolls where placed carefully against her pillows. Turning to the front of her room against the wall on my left was a small, soft, plush, and baby blue sofa neatly organized with midsize Gray dolls. Hearing the water running I assumed she was in the shower so I waited for her to get out. Although I probably should've come through the front door as to seem not creepy or stalkerish but eh what do I know.

Fifteen minutes later the door to the bathroom suddenly opened revealing a clean freshly showered Juvia in a towel

"N-Natsu- san!" she said exclaimed from shock as she clutched the Gray love heart towel she had wrapped around her body.

"Juvia! Sorry to rush in on you but there's something you must know!" I said not thinking about how embarrassing or wrong this might feel for Juvia

"Sorry Natsu, Juvia was going to get dress in her room will Natsu wait for juvia outside her room then we can talk."she said calmly

Juvia shut the door after I had exited the room allowing her to get dressed before I finally tell her that Gray and Lucy kissed and might even be going out. What feels like forever, goes by before Juvia opened her door to her bedroom once again dressed in her casual wear, which was a grey long sleeve sweater with a long black skirt with a slit on either side. Her long blue hair pulled back into a high ponytail.

"So Natsu why have you come to see juvia", she asked.
I debated whether to her or not that Lucy and Gray were dating but she has the right to know so I sigh heavily .

"Uh well, you might wanna sit down for this Juvia. I'm sorry Juvia but Gray and Lucy are dating."

Sorry about my grammar and sorry if I was bad I'm sorry

Natsu: Is there gonna be food cause I'm starving and ready to go on a job with Lucy!
Juvia: Honestly, juvia would never date someone besides My Darling Gray

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