Chapter 1

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Chapter Song: Don't Judge Me by Chris Brown

♡Live simply so others can simply live♡

  Alot of people start a story with the bullcrap "assumption" that "You know my name not my story."

  Well guess what, forget you and your "assumptions".

  I've never been one to "assume" things about a person, like the stereotypical judging a book by its cover. It's never made sense.

  It's like you spend so much time "assuming" something about that particular person, never fully understanding them as an individual, and by that time your "assumptions" are completely wrong and biased.

  And that person is actually fabo and is the complete opposite of what you first thought.

  So not only have you ruined a potential friendship, but you've made a complete and utter fool of yourself.

And I don't know about you but, I am not a big fan of that.

I mean who honestly would be.

A/N I hope it's good so far and you guys like it once again I'll update next Saturday.  Maybe sooner, depends. Sorry it's short they get longer I promise.

Guess the song:

*Why am I so emotional?

No, it's not a good look, gain some self control

  And deep down I know this never works

  But you can lay with me so it doesn't hurt*


AssumptionsWhere stories live. Discover now