Vacation Gone Wrong

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Atlas Caruso brandishes a small photo magazine in his hand, admiring the high definition memoirs of presidents at Mount Rushmore. As the plane goes through waves of
minimal turbulence, Atlas rocks to sleep.

He is awoken by a faint rattling noise. He looks out the window and, although dazed from his sleep, realizes that the landscape of mountainous regions below do not match the great buildings in New York. The Boeing descends, and Atlas feels his stomach drop. The mountainous regions are beautiful, and intriguing. Atlas distracts his worried mind and admires the landscapes.

Pain. Don't do this to me. I want to go home!
Get out of my head.
Get out of my head.
Get out of my head.

"He seemed to have reacted well to the situation."

"No. Not exactly, Doctor. Atlas Caruso has pieces of glass implanted in his head. I've been studying his brain waves and he... he thinks that someone's in his head!"

"But who could possibly be in his head?"

"I don't know! You're the doctor! You tell me."

Atlas concentrates on staying awake, as every few minutes, he slips back into a temporary coma state.

"I think he's awake now."

"Right. Coach, wheel him outside."

"Ok. And Aren, please have a slideshow about this place waiting in the recovery room."

Atlas jerks upward as he feels someone tug on his arm. He looks up at a perfectly shaped face wearing a comforting smile.

"Hello. You must be Atlas Caruso, right?"


Atlas mumbles this, his mouth still numbed by the anesthetic. He studies the man's sure and confident expression. The man wears a thin leather jacket and a white Tee accompanied by kinetic black slacks.


The man presses a button and the back of the bed folds in, creating a small wheelchair. Atlas adjusts his hands and folds them over his lap.

The man transports him outside as he pushes Atlas and himself into a small puddle of blue.

"What the- what was that?"

Atlas chokes on the fact that the just traveled 500 feet underground in a matter of 2 seconds.

"Tech, Atlas. Look around. Beautiful sunset, right."

"Look, sir, but I NEED to book a flight to New York! All I wanted was a vacation. As simple as that! Just, at least send me home to California!"

"You're still delusional, Atlas."
Or more like possessed by me...

This went so wrong. All I wanted was a vacation!
Get out of my head!
I know that you're in there.
Leave me alone!
Get out of my head.
Get out.

I hope you guys enjoyed!
With wordy love,

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2018 ⏰

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