Darkness in an innocent soul.

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I finished school and my after school activities and walked home. I never liked the feeling of home. I felt, scared to step into my house. No i don't have abusing parents, no i don't have a messed up origin well kind of. I just.. Feel separated in this world. Like i just don't belong.

I'm always the odd one out of my family.



But that makes me a bit stronger than the rest of my family. I just wished they loved me a bit more. I have nothing, and that's a fear of mine. I don't want to be alone with nothing. But that's just the kind of life i'm living at home.

At home i try to talk to everyone, but i'm just blocked out. I'm not sure why but i am. I'm not even allowed to touch my new baby sister. But i'm not allowed to talk back.

In school I'm bubbly, smiley, outgoing, and shy.  I try my best to be someone special. I managed to gather a few friends, and somewhat of a teachers pet. Haha it's not much but slowly getting there. Anyways enough about me, i'm home.

"Momma, Dad. I'm home.." I spoke to myself like if it means anything. I walk into my room which is more like a closet and set my stuff down in the corner of the room. There was a note on my door of chores i had to do.

-cook dinner


-clean the living room, Eran's room, Parents room, dining room, Abigail's room, baby's room

-Clean bathrooms

-Do laundry

I'm surprised there isn't more..

I hear a knock at my door and i open it slightly.

"Get to it now, it's 6:30, you're an hour behind. Keep coming home late then i'm locking the doors and windows, you can sleep outside. I took care of Eran, bathe, fed and cleaned up his toys. I'm not supposed to be doing all the work here you hear me?" My mom looked me in the eye waiting for a response.

"Yea, i got it mom." I tied up my hair and went out the room.

"Enough with that attitude, i'm not your friend i'm your mom. Respect? Have you heard it? It's, 'Yes Mother, I'll get to it right away'. Not 'Yea, i got it mom'." She scolded. I let out a little sigh and nodded.

"I'm sorry Mother, i'll get to my chores right away." I bowed my head. Eran ran around and my mom picked him up.

"That's more like it, if you had respect you could be as good as Eran." Mom smiled and kissed Eran on the cheek.

I rolled my eyes and got to my chores.

*4 and a half hours later*

I finally got done with my chores and checked the time.

11pm. I sigh as i get undressed and got to my homework. An hour past and i fell asleep while doing math. I woke up from my alarm and looked at my unfinished math homework.

The time was 5am, i got my last few problems done from my homework, got dressed for school, did my make up to cover up dark circles and brushed my hair.

It's a hassle sometimes, getting everything together. I have to make breakfast and get Eran's clothes and back pack in order. By the time i do all my morning duties i walk myself to school. It takes me 40 minutes to walk but i seem to be handling it well.

It's the usual everyday. How ever today is different.

What a boring chapter lmao, i promise i'll try to make it more interesting, i kind of wrote this while i'm half asleep. I hope you all like it ^^

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2018 ⏰

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