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  • Dedicated to Tumblr for distracting me for so long

A little boy, no more than 5 years old, walked down aisle 14 of Walmart with his mother. He was staring in awe at the how many different buckets of chocolate ice cream were in the freezer before his mother called his name.

"Alex, do you see those two men over there?" Alex nodded as his eyes darted to the couple a bit further up the aisle who were holding hands while looking at frozen pies, "Men like those are worshippers of the devil. Promise me that you will never be like them."

Alex nodded his head again, eager to please his mother "Never, Mummy. Never ever."

"Good," his mother replied as she took his hand and pulled him away from the 'disgusting fags' as he heard his mother call them under her breath. "Now, let's go and get you a new toy okay?"

Nine years later, and that little boy, so innocent and naïve, was now 14 and doing things that his mother would most definitely kill him for if she knew.

It was a picture from a magazine he had found discarded beside a dumpster that sat behind the science lab. At first glance it was just a normal magazine that some of the girls would read at the lunch table and giggle about. Actually, that's all it was: a normal girly magazine. But there was this one picture in it that Alex couldn't help but oggle over.

It was an ad for underwear, and the model was stunning. Those dark blue eyes and a torso that was skinny but still had obvious muscle made Alex feel desire like he had never felt before.

Later that night he was attempting to muffle the moans that forced their way up his throat by biting the back of his left hand as he came, streaks of white coating the page of the magazine.

Alex laid still in his bed for minute with his boxer-briefs down at his knees and thought about what he did. He just got off to a picture of a male underwear model. He knew there was no denying it now. He way gay.

That night was the first of many that he cried himself to sleep for that reason.


Hi guys! I'm starting another fic, which I know I'll never write over 2 chapters in. Hell, I'll be lucky to post one, but I'll post the prologue anyway. I was listening to Green Day's cover of Bob Dylan's Like a Rolling Stone and I just kinda thought "Homeless Jalex" so then I wrote like 3 pages of backstory in Word but I'm saving the rest of the backstory for a later time. I'm thinking of doing the first chapter as Alex and the second as Jack and alternating between the two for a little bit because I want to tell both sides of their stories but I don't want to rush things because Homeless!Alex is so damn fun to write. Anyway, hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you soon.

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