Chapter One: Not Gone for Long

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.:Not Gone for Long:.


Name: Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg

Age: 16

Cause of Death: Shot in Gun fight

It pained me to filling out this dumb-ass paper. Just remembering the agonizing pain of being shot and slowly fading from existence made me relive it. It was all too recently to not think about it constantly. Not to mention the pain will last all eternity of my afterlife.

When you die, they are pretty organized. There is a lady at the counter who wears all white clothes, has perfect black hair and green eyes that always had a hopeful sparkle. They have people fill out papers, mostly to determine trust. No one could escape with lying on the paper. They send you to hell if you lie.

I go to a short line that's to the counter. I say short because someone was holding up at the counter. I couldn't see their face, though, because it was buried in a hood.

"I'm sorry, but I can't accept this. You're not dead." Counter lady said in a calming tone. The person argued "B-but I- Please don't send me back! I hate it there! No one cares about me and it's filled with pain and horror!" The person was now obviously a male, and he had a nice, deep and soft voice. It was calm and soothing. 

"I said I can't! Now please, you do not want to be sent out the hard way, right? You know how painful the fading is." With that, the short male sighed, giving up. He opened the door that led back to Earth. Only those who weren't accepted were aloud out there. 

"Done with your paper, sir?" Counter lady asked. I snap my head towards the young lady, smiling and nodding. "Hmm... Well Felix, you are in a bit of a scuffle. I mean, I may have to have to send you to... H-" "WAIT!" 

The lady and my disappointment were both interrupted with an older, light black haired man walking in. "He will have another chance." The man smiled, everyone else in this waiting-type room staring at me with burning glares of envy. "W-what do you mean, sir?" 

"Just trust me. It came from the big man himself. I will tell Felix sometime else. But right now, we have to get this young boy back down to Earth!" I wave goodbye to the counter lady, and the door opened to a rooftop. My cold and limp body lay in the middle of it, a huge gunshot wound in the middle of my stomach. "You have thirty seconds before agony returns, and you may use that time wisely for help." The man that bailed me out had now disappeared. 

The door was gone now as well, and now it was just a ghost and its body in the middle of a dimly lit rooftop. Okay, I had to think. Thirty seconds to get to the bottom floor and call someone before I proceed die again. From my memory, it was a two-story. Just jump down the banister, right?

"Here goes nothing..." I jump right into my soul-less body, then jolting up from the ground.

I sprint my way downstairs, jumping down over the banister. Hey, might as well take advantage of invincibility, right? I grab my phone and auto-dial my sister. "H-hello?" "Felix? Where are you? Are you okay? Pl-" I cut her off. "Okay, please pick me up. I'm shot, and if you don't help, I'm going to die!" I told her what the building looked like and the street it was on. I spoke fast, and in just enough time she would be here to help. 

I fell to my knees and dropped my phone as soon as the bullet seemed to sear a hot flame through my organs. "God, help... me..."

I should just thank my own dumb ass for trapping myself so close to my own house. I'll catch the bastard that shot me soon enough...


Now, do you think a dying person would know who that was from a dog to a cat? No.



"F-Felix?" I think that was Marzia's voice. She was one of my very close friends. Some people even started rumors that we liked each other! Pfft.

"M-Marzia?" I groaned when my eyes opened. "Ohmigod, Felix! You scared the crap out of me!" She yelled, sqeezing me tightly until I couldn't breathe. "Might wanna let go unless you want me to die," I said playfully. Well, maybe not.

"Oh, sorry. You've been out for three weeks; Everyone wants to know how you were so I came to see you." Marzia smiled. "Oh, thanks. Do you think I'll be able to leave today?" I asked. 

"Well, seeing as you've been healed up, I'd say yes. You can come to school today if you're up for it. You might want to have a wheelchair, though." I perked up, letting my friend help me get to school again.


Seeing as I am an Italian girl who just learned the ropes on English and have a lazy American editor, this may be a bit bad :c sowwy.

Well... This is the first chapter. Badily written chapter. Fuck it.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2014 ⏰

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