Chapter 1 ~What?

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(Yuu's P.O.V)

"What does fuck mean Yuu-Chan?" My best friend asked me.

My eyes widen as I looked at him. Mika was just looking at me with those innocent eyes of his.

"W-what?!" I questioned.

"Well, I hear some people bragging about how they fucked so many girls. So I decided to ask you what it means." Mika replied while setting his bento box down on the bench. He then looked back at me with his famous puppy dog eyes.

"Please Yuu-Chan. It's been on my mind all day long." He begged.

I swallowed. "I-I... It's a cussing word..." I told him. It was the only thing I could think of. I didn't want to ruin his innocence.

"Oh..." My blonde friend trailed off. "So... that means I said a bad word..." He pouted.

Mika doesn't like to cuss, he completely hates it. He even forces me to not cuss around him, which is harder then you think.

"It's okay Mika," I petted his head, making him lean into my hand. "You now know, so you won't say it again."

Mika nodded. "You're right."

The bell rung, signalling that lunch was over.

"Well, let's go." I said as I picked up my bento box. Mika did the same and we were off to our next period.


It was finally the end of the school day. Mika and I were walking home, talking about our upcoming project that our teacher was talking about earlier.

"Ugh, why do we need to do a project about a state. I could care less. And plus, we live in Japan, not the United States of America, why do we even need to know this stuff?" I complained. Mika just laughed at me.

"Come on Yuu-Chan, it will be fun, also, i'm excited about it. We get to learn about an entire state, we even have to draw the state flag. It will be so fun!" Mika fanboyed.

"Nerd." I whispered under my breathe.

"Hey!" Mika shouted. He must have heard me. Oops.

"Oh look, we're home!" I quickly yelled and pulled Mika into my house. He has been here so many times, its basically his second home, and vice-versa.

"WE'RE HOME!" I yelled, my voice ripping through the walls of the house. No answer.

"Looks like we're home alone." Mika states.

"Yay." I said. I pulled Mika up the stairs to my room.

We burst through the door and fell on my bed laughing.

"Haha... why did we run up here?" Mika asked.

"I don't know... I thought it would be fun..." I shrugged and panted, out of breathe... wonder why. I turn over to face Mika, only to see him looking at me with a huge smile.

"Why are you smiling to big?" I questioned. His smile is always so pretty and bright. Anyone could fall in love with him just for his smile.

"I have a new anime to show you." My best friend exclaimed, getting up to grab the remote off my dresser.

"What is it called?" I asked as I sat up, watching him jump excitingly while trying to find the anime on Netflix.

"Aldnoah Zero. It's a sci-fi  anime," Mika explained. "Yeah! I found it!"

He put the anime on and then jumped into my bed, laying right beside me. We watched the first episode in silence. I was surprised that Mika wasn't fanboying like we usually does.

"You're quiet." I pointed out, pausing the anime so we wouldn't miss anything.

"I don't want to fanboy to much that you miss anything. I also want you to get obsessed over the anime as much as I am." Mika explained.

"Awe, but you are so cute when you fanboy." I said without thinking. I immediately blushed.

"I-I am?" Mika questioned. I looked over at him and saw a huge blush covering his face.

Cute. I thought.

"Yep," I paused. "You are always cute when you are talking about what you really love."

I wanted to stop talking but I didn't know how. Mika is always doubting himself so I just want to make him feel better and love himself.

"Oh... but you're just saying that, I can't be that cute," Mika looked down. "And plus, i'm pretty sure you think Shinoa is cuter then me."

"Wait, what?" I asked. I sat up and looked down at Mika. He also sat up.

"Well... it's just, you are always looking at Shinoa, so I came to the conclusion that you like her." Mika explained.

"Mika," I sighed and hugged him. I wanted to comfort him, but I kinda also want to tease him. "Are you jealous?" I whispered in his ear.

Mika blushed as he shook his head no. "N-no! I-I thought I could help."

Even though he tried to sound happy, I heard sadness in his voice.

I sighed again. "Mika. I don't like Shinoa. I never have and I never will. I see her as a sister." I explained.

"O-oh..." Mika trailed off, blushing.

"Haha, don't worry. Even if I do get a lover, I won't forget about you." I said, petting his head again.

"Who said I was scared of you forgetting me?" Mika pouted. He then laid his head on my shoulder.

"I know you. I also know that you are scared of being abandoned," I paused and leaned back, making Mika fall and lay on top of me. "I will never abandon you. I don't care about getting a girlfriend anyways. I want to stay with you forever."

I was so embarrassed by saying that, but I want Mika to understand that I will never leave him. He really needs to stop doubting himself.

"Y-Yuu-Chan!" He whined, clearly embarrassed by my words.

"Yeah..." I said with a big, fat grin on my face.

"Stop embarrassing me!" Mika continued whining. He sadly got off of me and laid down beside me.

"Wanna continue watching the anime?" My blonde friend asked me. I nodded.

We continued to watch the anime in almost complete silence. Mika fanboyed every now and then, mostly at Slaine, who is Mika's favourite character from what I've gathered.

I am so sorry that this is a little shorter than usual. I couldn't think of anything.

Anyways, this story has been in my drafts for an entire year now. I haven't been able to write the first chapter since I was busy with my other stories. But now I'm finally posting the first chapter and publishing the story. I hope you like it. I actually mentioned the story a couple times when I was talking to some of my followers.

Innocent Mika is the best... but is he completely innocent? Who knows (Me, but its not like I'm gonna tell anyone.)

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and have a wonderful day/night!

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2019 ⏰

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