Will You be my Queen?

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          Betty and Jughade got off of Jughade's motorcycle, and walked into Jughade's trailer, and sat on the couch together talking. Than Jughade looked into Betty's eyes, and said "Betty Cooper, now that am the serpent king, every king needs  a queen. Betty Cooper, will you be my Queen?" There was a slight brake, and Betty was now paying more attention than befor "I don't need a answer today, you can answer latter and have some time to think about it. And by latter I mean like tomorrow at lunch." Jughade said nervously but proud he had said that. Betty got up off the couch, "I need to go, I will talk to you  latter, love you." Betty said in shock.

          When Betty got home that night she sat on her bed, weighting in her diary, in a lot of detail like she always does. Than she looked across the room, and out the window and texted archy

                   *texts with archy*
B- you up??? Do u want to talk???

A- yes, and yes.

B- you will not believe what Jughade asked me today!

A- Tell Me Please!?!?!

B- he asked me to be his serpent queen, and I think I am going to say yes!!!

*archy had a disappointed look on his face*

A- cool, I am happy for you guys.

*his reaction was nothing like how she thought it was going to be at all*
She knew something was up with him, she just did not know what yet.

           The next day archy seems sad, and isolated. At lunch he did not sit with the group, *which was betty Jughade Kevin and veronica* instead he was just sitting by himself across the room. "Does any one know what is up wit archy?" Veronica said condensed. " I think I know what is up with him, I will go talk to him." Betty said in a confident voice. " wait I'll come with you" veronica said quickly. "No! Stay here V, I just wan to talk to him, by myself!" Betty mad it vary clear that she did not want anyone to stop her, or come with her.

        Betty got up out of her spot, and started walking over to archy. She was almost to archy's table, when she heard "BETTY!" she did not now who said that so she starts looking around, and than she saw Cheryl blossom (her cousin is complicated watch the series) "what do you want Cheryl!?" She said annoyed. "Sheesh, I was just telling you that I am having a party, at my house tm, at 9, tell your 'friend's'." She said. I ignored the fact that she said "friends" in quotation marks and got to the point with arch.

          When she got to the table where archy was sitting, she sat facing him, with her legs on the outside of the picnic table. "What is going on, are you ok?" Betty said concerned, "Is i

About last night?"
"No it's not about last night, it's about when you asked to be a 'power couple' at the school dance, and how I said no, I wanted to say yes, but I was too sacred and now it is too late, I want you betty!" Archy said with a passion.

        "I don't know what to say arch, I am with Jughade now, I love jug. I got over you, yeah it was hard, but I did it. And I think you should too" Betty said in a sorry voice. But it felt good to say that she was with jug.

Hope you liked it, I will be making more, and hopefully will publish it soon, I have a plane ride home from California, so I will work on it tm, BYEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!


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