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Eddie's POV
I walked down the hallway, wearing an oversized black hoddie keeping my head down and moving quickly. It was the first day of the ninth grade and all of my "friends" tried talking to me but I pushed them away.

I saw Richie Tozier leaning against a locker talking to Bill and as I walked past he stared at me, I could feel it.

This, this is why I was not excited for school this year. Knowing my luck I'd end up with Richie in all of my classes and that's the last thing I want.

You see, me and Richie used to be extremely close. He was my best friend, my other half. But when we were down in the sewers, he changed.
"Well, if it isn't Eddie Kaspbrak" I heard someone mock from behind me, I knew who it was.

I decided to ignore it and keep walking, until I felt a firm grip on my shoulder spinning me around. Henry Bowers: the schools most vicious and crul bully.

He was looking down at me smirking, I silently cursed my small size. "Hey Wheezy" I swallowed hard just as a teacher walked past then Henry let go of me and I practically ran to my locker.

I got my books in a record speed then ran to class letting out a shaky breath as I stepped into the room. To my "suprise" the one and only Richie Tozier was sitting in the back of the room drawing on his arm.

I rolled my eyes then sat at the front and grabbed a pencil. I sat in awkward silence and waited for the teacher to walk through the door. Finally the bell rang and students began flooding into the room, they were chatting and soon it was filled with voices and laughter.

The teacher walked through the door and everyone went to their seats then she started talking about this year's plan. Truthfully I wasn't listening, my mind wandered. My thoughts went to Pennywise, I've been thinking of that a lot lately.

I shook my head slightly then tried to listen to our teacher, "then by May I'm hoping to be moving onto Algebra, and finally finishing off with some mental math practice then final exams at the end of June." Our teacher grabbed a stack of papers off of her desk then started handing them out, continuing with; "so here is everything I just said onto a paper and at the top there is a list of expectations in my classroom, 1. No talking when I am unless you are called upon..." this went on for five minutes and it was so boring.

I started spacing out again and missed the rest of the things she said. When the bell rang I came back to reality then stood up and went to switch my book.

I looked at my schedual then groaned because I have Science.

I walked through the door and of course... Richie Tozier was sitting in the back of the room.

This is gonna be a long year.

515 words
Published on: July 1st 2018

Yeah so uhhhh.... this is something new...

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