Tiny wooden animals

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I was on a flea market. Looking for the thrill of finding something nice for a good price. I wasn't picky in what it could be as I like a lot of different things. But there was a lot of sellers and only so much time. So I scanned the different tables quickly as I walked by them to see if I found something I liked. I stopped at a few tables. Asked for the price on a few items and even bought a few things. But nothing gave me that special jolt I get from a really good find.

I almost walked past your table. Nothing really catched my eyes. But you said Hi. And my eyes met yours. One could say you had me at hello.
It was like gears clicking into place in my mind and the machinery ran smoothly. I just wanted to sit beside you and talk forever. So I stopped. Said hello. And the conversation just kept going. So smooth and natural that it was almost weird that it wasn't weird.
My fingers started to go through the things on your table but nothing really go my attention. Not because it was boring things or because my mind was completely occupied by you. But because it was just normal things and nothing special or quirky enough. Then you said you had more things in the back. Behind the table. Stuff you didn't know if anyone would want to buy. And off course I wanted to check them out. Not just because of the chance to get closer to you.

The things in the boxes was just what I was looking for. Generally useless but pretty things like a set of small wooden animals I adored. You said you really liked them but didn't know how to display them and they had just been laying in a box for years. There were also some quirky and nerdy things that told me more about who you were rather than the impersonal items on the table. You told me about some of the things and I told you stories about similar things I had.

Time passed and we didn't really notice it. I had a pile of stuff I wanted to buy from you and when I had gone through all the boxes we just kept talking. Suddenly a speaker voice told us the flea market was closing in ten minutes and I offered to help you pack up your things. You accepted and offered to buy me pizza as a thanks. We stayed at the pizza place for a while after the food was gone. Then you offered to drive me home. The car was parked a few blocks away and we walked fairly slowly. None of us wanted the day to end but didn't know how to extend it smoothly. Our hands kept bumping in to eachother. Maybe it was on purpose. After a while I collected my courage and grabbed your hand. Your fingers intertwined with mine and we kept walking like that. Like we never done differently even though my heart was pounding.

We could almost see the car now. The street was empty and we were by a brick wall in between two street lights so it was fairly dark. You dragged me to the wall. Gently pushed me against it and gave me a soft kiss. I kissed you back and the kisses grew to be stronger and hungrier. This was the path the first hello had led us into. The path we both had wanted to take but hadn't really dared to. But now we had. It was out in the open. And we both agreed it was the right way.

We didn't spend any nights apart from that day until the day we moved in together. The set of tiny wooden animals got a custom made display box and was hung on the wall as a reminder of the day we met.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2018 ⏰

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