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Dear Diary,

Its been 3 years since faiths death, its not fair. Its not fair that such a nice person was murdered, its not fair that she left so early in life, she was such an amazing person, she gave everything she had to other people and she got her life taken away from her. I guess its kinda ironic, she gave everything she had for other people, I'm not surprised she gave her own life. Life isn't fair at all, and people aren't either. People abused the fact that she was so kind, they didn't treat her fair at all. Life followed their example I guess. Nobody treated her fairly, but she always treated them fair. She would share everything she had, even as a little kid. She would always even out her food to give to other students, would always take the effort to make sure everyone understood the lesson that was being taught by the teacher, and she got nothing in return. Well. I take that back, she got something in return. She got bullied. People treated her poorly, she didn't receive the fairness that she spread to others. Too anyone reading this, please, treat others fairly, be the better person. Just be careful, don't let the people who care about you lose you, because if you leave them, if you leave them to hurt and mourn over you...

That wouldn't be very fair. 

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