The Storm

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Stealthily, the storm clouds
Slink into view
An enemy invading
The velvet tints of blue
Causing every heart of man
To churn with pangs of dread
Shedding bleak obscurity
Over each cheerful head
Creeping along the path of bliss
That leads to the morrow
Diffusing every light
And casting streams of sorrow

Its rich, rumbling roars of thunder
Cause the earth to quake
Its gleaming daggers of light
Destroy for pleasure's sake
Its thick darkness shrouds the sky
Abducting a hopeful view
It's heavy and weighted blackness
Crushes a world once seen anew
It's wind unleashes it's harsh cry
Confessing all its strain
While creatures scurry for shelter
To hide from oncoming rain

Overburdened with gloom and doubts
The sky begins to mourn
And with every wailing whimper heard
A drop of rain is born
Plummeting down with swift motion
Each drop carries its cure
Suffusing the earth with healing water
That's merciful and pure
As darkness fades and whimpers cease
And triumph sings her song
Unveiled is the everlasting sun
Who had been there all along

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