Bad boy ballerina

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" Truth or dare Isabella" giggled my bestfriend Margaret. She looked at me with a face of pure seriousoness but her slender body was shaking with laughter.

"dare" I said boldly. But as soon as the words left my mouth I knew it was a mistake.

"this should be fun" margret, no longer trying to hide her laughter, laughed out loud.

" i dare you to dance with the next guy that walk through that door" She indicated the kitchen door. Soon a very tall boy walked out. He had on dark jeans and a black band t-shirt. I glared at all my friends in turn and stalked over to the guy. Behind me i heard my friend hunter let out a bark of laughter.

"you wanna dance" i stammered to the guy. To be perfectly honest he kinda scared me. He towered over my small frame and just stared.

"what makes you think i would want to dance with you." he sneered. I knew iw would never live this down if i didnt dance with him so i didnt think and just reacted on instinct. I grabed his hand in one of my own and pranced to the the middle o the dance floor. the stranger looked at me with a look of shock as i started spining and twirling. I let my dance skills take over and moved my hips to the beat of the song. when the song ended i looked at the guy who was staring at me. i smiled and slinked away.

I plopped down by my friends and margret was laughing. "ggiirrllll" she drew out the word. " do you know who you just danced with"

"nope" popping the "p"," and i dont really want to know either". I grabbed my phine and keys from where they sat on the flopr and walked out. already beginning to feel the embarrssment sink in.

I ran to my car and jumped in. I locked all the doors and started shaking> What did margret mean when she said "do i know who i just danced with. I drove home barely reaching the speed limit. I had a ton of studdying to do when i got home. I walked in the door. My dad and older brother were sitting at the table. I cautisously walked in and sat down.

"whats up" i chirped trying to break the tension"

My dad looked at me and gave a half hearted smile which quickly dissapeared. " honey your dog was hot by a car this afternoon and the vet doesnt think he will make it."

"WHAT!! No why, how, my sisters dog" I started sobbing uncontroably. that was me and my twins dog we had gotten her last year for her last birthday. She was killed swimming out by the lake during a storm.

The memories of her lifless body floating in the soft waves still scares me. Then the meories hit me like a tidle wave. The storm her laughung at my nereves then the boat came sending a huge wave crahing over her. her body going under then never reappearing the brown hair that slowly floated to the surface then her face pale and lifless her blue eyes open still showing her shock. I began shuddering and screaming for her to come back keep swimming she couldnt do this to me. she couldnt leave me. i elt my brother pick me up from the slump i was in. He carrried me up the stairs and into my room. he sat me on the bed and relizing there was nothing else he could do he left the room and closed the door.

-4 hours later-

I looked at the clock and relized it reas 2:03. I slipped out of my bed and climbed the ,y window and sat on the roof and stared at the stars. I thought about everything that had happened tonight. the guy i danced with at the party. I was still embarrassed that i would even consider doing something like tha much less actually do i mean what was I thinking. I consoled my self with the thought that i didnt recognize him and he didnt seem to recognize me. I felt slightly assured of this fact.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2012 ⏰

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