Gently floating through the deepest seas

774 19 4

-Clear's POV-

It felt like I was submerged and everything around me was drifting away with the calm ocean. Around me I could see jellyfish swimming and dancing in the blue depths as they swam through the sea. They were so graceful as they danced along with the current. Calmness swept over me as I did the same. I allowed myself to go with the flow of the water. It felt so peaceful as though death was something miraculously comforting. I didn't mind passing if it meant that I could protect the one I loved. I protected my master, my Aoba. My eternal sleep seemed more beautiful than I expected. When Grandpa died I thought death carried nothing but despair but I feel happy. I feel content with death. My time had come but I died protecting the person who meant the most to me and for that, I am elated. I fulfilled my duty. I was made to protect my master and I did exactly that.

Suddenly I was dragged from the deep blue and was in a large open room which seemed to be a ballroom. The Grand Music was playing softly in the background while mindless humans dances with violent movements. I stared in horror as I realised that these people were puppets of Toue. There was a butler who waltzed around the room with champagne in fancy glasses; never spilling a single drop. He eventually came over to me placing a drink in my hand. I looked towards his face and I instantly recognized the eyes before me. They reflected nothing but the scenery around them. The unfocused eyes of Aoba's twin brother Sei. The badge on his jacket was the Morphine tag. This showed he was just a pawn in their game. I looked to the drink in my hand swirling it around the glass when suddenly it started to turn red. The deep crimson came with a foul smell of iron. I didn't even try to mask the horror as I realised that what was once champagne was now blood. I tried on pull myself back to reality as I realised that it was just an illusion. I was being messed with by my own conscience. I couldn't deal with the fact that I was created for this purpose. I could feel myself breaking from the inside out as I couldn't believe that after all this time I hadn't realised that I was broken. I was meant to serve my master as one of his pawns as he gained the power that he longed for. His greed took over and his need for control consumed his entire being. He wanted so much power but in the end he was just a lonely, little man in search for a purpose. In that way, we are the same. I longed for a place to belong and feel wanted. I didn't want to be deemed useless. I wished to be wanted. I didn't gain this until I met Aoba.


I fell off the roof with quite a force. I reached to feel that the mask was still on my face. No one needed to see my inhumane qualities.

"Are you alright!?! What were you doing up there?!" The long blue haired boy stared at me with wide eyes as he couldn't believe what lay before him. I guess falling off of the roof wasn't the bed idea.

"I was the one who brought you here, Master. I found you laid in the street." I confess eagerly in hopes to being praised by Master. His face became confused


"Yes, Master. You're my master!" I smile happily even though he can't see it behind the mask.

"I think you're confused. Maybe it was from when you fell off the roof?" Master is master. How does Master not know this?

"I heard Master's voice so I came" I hope Master wasn't too shocked with me visiting him.

"Eh?" He just seemed to grow agitated. Oh no, I made Master mad!

"My name is Clear!"

"Go home! I don't need any childish pranks, I'm trying to work here!" I cringed to Master yelling at me. I couldn't defy my master...

"I'll see you later then, Master!"

"Grrrrr" I reached into my coat and pulled out my favourite clear umbrella and walk away from the shop as Master goes back into the shop. I hop along the rooftops until I reach Master's house where I wait for Master to return.

The memories of when I first met Aoba flood back to me and suddenly all the lights go out. I can't move at all and I appear to be stuck. I always hated the darkness because no matter what, you were always alone. You couldn't see anyone or anything so you only had yourself. No one could help you. Suddenly I was presented a bright white light and I reached towards it. All I could see was an open street with Dry Juice tag art on the walls. Ah, I had passed this place so many times when looking for Aoba. However, this time was different. I felt eyes on me as people stared at me with confused expressions. I just ignored their stares and headed to the rooftops. I let my legs guide me as the wind brushed against my coat and played with my scarf. I slowed my pace and opened up my favourite umbrella as if it was for the comfort of old times. I felt free in the open space without the chains that bound me. One thought ran through my mind. One place. One person. Aoba.

A/N- Please comment and vote. If you have any ideas I would be happy to add then:)

My JellyfishOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora