Chapter 1: the trip

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Kylie's POV.

We went into a bus and I sat next to Dan. Lukas kept distracting me,Dan,Alissa and Lizzie so the teacher gave him a warning, it turned out Dan got switched with Lizz and I sat next to her.
"Hey" I whispered
"What?" Lizz whispered back
" Look in our messages.. U won't believe who hacked my iphone" i gasped
"OMG it says...Umm Alissa?" Lizz said confused
"Mhm..." i said
I turn around, snatch Alissa's phone and deleted her hacking app.
"YO GIVE ME MY PHONE BACK U *****" Alissa shouted
"Fine drama queen XD" I laughed
"I hate u" Alissa puffed
"Whatever" i rolled my eyes

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2018 ⏰

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