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Eadaoin — June 4th

"And when Shakespeare wrote..." Mrs Greay continues as Adani switches seats with the girl beside me.

"Shakespeare can suck my ass." She whispers as the teacher turns to pick up her copy of Romeo and Juliet. "Don't you ever get bored of this shit Ea?"

"Do I look like I'm enjoying this?" I reply sarcastically.

"You have a very eluding face my friend."


"It wasn't really a compliment but sure whatever."

I gather my books together as I see the clock and try to pay attention to Mrs Greay's speech about digesting Shakespeare's work correctly.

"Why are you all packing up?" She asks. "We've still got two minutes - that's two minutes of learning to be done."

Nobody moves to open their books and our teacher accepts us as a lost cause.
"Whatever just talk until the bell."

Adani taps me.
"I swear she makes no effort to be a good teacher."

I shrug.
"I mean we don't really make an effort to be good students so-"

"I make an effort!" Adani cuts in. "I put on perfume this morning. Do you know how amazing I smell? I smell fucking great. And all because I wanted to impress my fellow peers."

"I don't think that affects your ability to digest Shakespeare's work."

"Who says it wont?"

I shake my head.
"I never said it wouldn't I just said it probably won't help your chances."

She grins.
"I love how you say that ch-ANHH- ses"

"That's not how I speak."

"It so is!" She retorts back. "And pl-ANHH-ts"

"wow why are you all of a sudden going at my speech." I ask sarcastically.

She throws her hands up in surrender.
"Sorry ma'am, just doing my job of being a local top-notch bitch."

"You're over-qualified for that job." I deadpan. "A bit too much experience I think."

"Fuck you." She flips the finger at me as the bell rings. I grab my books as the crowd moves towards the door and we're pushed out seperate ways down the corridors.
"Hate you - joking - not really!" She yells after me. I shake my head and laugh to myself as the crowd pushes me onwards down the hall.

* * *

"Ea!" I look up from behind my book.

"Shhhhh." I shush Adani as she gets closer.

"You're such a rebel Ea! Wow Eadaoin Morgan breaking rules? I'm having such a proud parent moment." She rubs her eyes mockingly as I role mine.

"Don't think your fish nets have rubbed off on me." I nod towards her tights. "I'm studying for Science."

"But you're suspended from the library!" She says a little too loudly, causing the librarian to turn quickly towards us and raise a suspicious eyebrow.

"Can you shut up?" I hiss quickly. "Technically I didn't do anything wrong."

"But they didn't find that porn on my account." She says with a guilty grin.

"I hate you." I sigh.

"I feel like that's what makes this friendship so great. We both hate each other - it's a mutual hate - a mate!"

"You need to stop."

She shrugs. "Whatever, I think someone left their account open on the computers. I'll put my genius to work over there since it's obviously not appreciated over here."

I role my eyes again and watch her over the edges of my book, smirking with satisfaction at her own work.

* * *

This is kinda short but hey! I'm back!

I don't know, I'll update when I feel like it. I just don't really enjoy writing as much as I used to, but every once in a while I'll write stuff I'm super proud of.

lots of love,

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