Anti: You look beautiful scared

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Warnings: small heated make out session.

*BZZZ* *BZZZ* BZ-* "Hello?" "Heya Y/N!" "Oh hey Jack what's up?" "Nothing much just wondering if you wanted to come over and record or hangout" "Yeah sure what time should I be over?" "It's 2:15 how about 2:35?" "Sounds good see you then" "See ya!" I then ended the call excited. I always love spending time with Jack he's my best friend and... sadly I'm in love with him. Why is it sad you ask well because one he would never ever even think of me that way. Two I'd probably get hate if some how we did date and make it public. Finally he has a girlfriend. Its not like I hate her either I don't she's amazing and I'm happy they found each other. However she's always when I'm around him and even more strange when I would see her in public like she was hiding something. 'Probably didn't want to get bombarded with fans' i would always think but I could never really trust my thought. I was so caught up in my thoughts I didn't realize the time 2:30! I gotta hurry up and get ready! I quickly brushed out my hair changed into my (favorite outfit) then headed over to Jack's place. Since his apartment/house was down the road from mine I didn't need to take my car. I got to his door step and checked the time, 2:35 right on time. I knocked and heard some shuffling noises and yelling. My eyes widened and I banged on the door. "Jack are you okay!? Let me in!" I shouted desperate to get in and help my best friend and true love.
Jack's POV
"Sounds good see you then" "See ya!" I waited for her to leave the call. I'm so excited I already know what games me and Y/N are going to play too, not to mention what movies we're going to watch and snacks. I smiled and walked up to my recording room to get things set up. While I was setting up I felt weird. I felt sick my head starting hurting and my eyes were going blurry. I put my hands over my head squeezing my eyes shut. 'What the hell is happening to me?!' I thought to myself. Suddenly I fell to the ground from the pain. I must've been there a while because it felt like hours. Just laying on the ground in pain. I tried to get up but it was like someone pushed me back down. I couldn't move and hurt if I did. Then the pain eased a bit and I removed my hands from my head. As if on cue the  pain came back only worse. I screamed and rolled around knocking things over but at the moment I didn't care. Then again like before it just stopped completely and I heard someone yelling and pounding on my door. Oh shit it's Y/N I gotta answer it. I walked out of my recording room and kept walking until I thought to check up on myself first. I changed my walk to the door to my bathroom. Looking in the mirror I was just fine no marks no redness at all. 'huh strange I'll have to call my doctor about it' I thought to myself then went to the door. I opened it to see a worried Y/N in her (favorite outfit). She always looked cute with her (favorite outfit) on. Truth is I love her but she doesn't feel the same why would she. "Oh my gosh Jack I was so scared are you okay? Did someone break in? Anyone hurt you? Do I need to beat some bitches ass?" She asked in one breath panicked and cupped my face in her small soft hands and got closer to me. Her eyes studied mine and searched for an answer but I couldn't answer. All I could think of was her. The way her hands felt against my face. She held on to my face with such tenderness and emotion. We were like that for about a good few minutes then she realized how close we were and how she must look. She let go to my discomfort. I didn't want her to ever let go. I finally however answered her. "Yeah I'm fine just ye know raging out at a game" I answered trying to cover up what really happened. She looked at me slightly squinting her eyes trying to make sure I was telling the truth. Eventually she was convinced and we walked inside. Before she could walk in though I stopped and then nothing. Like I blacked out but didn't fall. I couldn't move but I was moving. I couldn't see yet somehow could. It was like I was watching myself from third person I saw her and what looked like me. It was me but I realized something about myself. My eyes were black. Pure. Dark. Black. Then realization hit me. Anti
He finally started going in with me behind him but he stopped. He just stood there silent. I was finally going to say something when he walked in more letting me in and allowing me to close the door. The second I closed the door however I was pushed against it with Jack in front of me and might I add very closely. He then leaned in and I could feel his hot breath on my neck. My heart started racing and I started blushing but tried to stay as far as away from him as possible. His head still hung low not letting me really see his face. "Ja-Jack?" I said after I got up the courage to. He raised his head slowly and I saw his eyes. They were not the beautiful shade of blue I've always loved, but were now fully black. I got scared and worried for him but he only smirked. "You're even more beautiful scared." He whispered into my ear. I gulped and tried to push him away but he was to strong. He stopped smirking, only for a second before it returned along with him leaning in more. Our noses brushed against each other his forehead on my own. I always dreamt of this but now that it's happening I'm scared and nervous. Before I could ask him anything he smashed his lips into mine passionately. I didn't want to kiss back I really didn't but I couldn't help myself. His lips were so soft just like I always imagined. He then proceeded to wrap his arms around my waist as I wrapped mine around his neck. He bit my lip asking for entrance which I denied. A soft growl came from his throat before he slowly started to move his hands south and residing them over my ass then squeezing it. I gasped and he more than willing took that as a opportunity to stick his tongue into my mouth. I felt astonished with how good this felt. I ran my hands from his neck to his hair pulling at it slightly moaning into his mouth.  After a few more moments he finally pulled away both of us gasping for air. He went back in for another kiss but I spoke, "Jack stop w-we can't do this it's wrong you have a girlfriend" I said looking away. He cupped my cheek and made me look at him. "This isn't want to know why?" I nodded. "First I don't have a girlfriend I have an ex because she cheated." I was shocked. Who would ever even think of anyone else when they had him. "Two I'm in love with you" Did I say I was shocked before? Well right now I was going to have a heart attack. He broke me out of my thoughts when he got close to my ear and whispered," Three...

I'm not Jack"

Done!!!! I really like this it turned out pretty good in my opinion. What do you guys think? Comment below your thoughts!! Should I make a part two???

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