new years party

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(possible-DDLB-Pet Play-suggestions)

The two meet at the office party and y/c takes a liking to mine. The rp will be kinda like 50 shades of gray- but i also want there to be lots of fluff and a growing relationship between the two.

Name: Kevin sox

Age: 18

Sex: m/gay/sub

Height: 5'7

Build: thin fit

Occupation: Fresh High school Graduate

Father: David Sox-divorced from Wife: Marry


The holidays began to roll around again, and With them came the parties. Not the fun alcoholic ones in your friend's basement. No, the stiff up tight ones in nice clothing following your folks around work kind of parties. Kevin wasn't quite a fan of being stuck around strangers all night, so it came no surprise seeing he wasn't thrilled to being dragged along with his father to a new year office party. The young male was dressed up in a nice sleek outfit for the evening of a blue button up dress shirt topped with a gray vest and tied off with a black tie he had gotten from his father. Making it somewhat casual he decided on wearing jeans rather than slacks. His father on the other hand was a jolly large creature. He wore a button up top and a sweater vest to the party.

By the time the two had arrived to the office party the sun had settled and the rest of the guests seemed to have arrived.

Some of the women among the office had decorated it with shimmering gold banners and paper pop out signs reading 'HAPPY NEW YEAR' to all which had seemed to come from a budget of $20. So nothing really exciting. Kevin's center of attention was more so the table of food. Though he didn't quite get the chance to indulge himself in the sweet treats as his father had dragged him into the crowd so he could show off his 'perfect' and only son to his coworkers boasting about his grades and such and graduating with honors and what not. Kevin wasn't a fan of the attention at the moment but he put on a fake smile greeting the people he was showboated off to.

As soon as he got the chance kevin split away from his father adventuring off to snag a treat and roam the office as he nibbled on it. His father on the other hand roamed about greeting fellow coworkers and cracking off jokes to lighten the spirits.

The later it got the more 'lively' the party grew. More so in the sense that everyone was getting tipsy. All except underaged kevin of course. The boy gave a sigh growing tired of the loud room and headed off to find somewhere quiet to shelter himself until he could drag his father home for the night. Room after room he eventually found one unlocked. It was a rather nice office, but any quiet place would have done. Closing the door he wondered on over to the large couch and plopped down with a heavy sigh relaxing back and sinking into it. It wasn't long before the boy began to doze off and eventually he fell into a light sleep.

New year New lifeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora