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       A/N: Hey guys. I'm not sure where I see this book going when already have 3 other that I need to figure out. But for some reason I really like the concept and as well as Lucy being a little over dramatic and of course overwhelmed as well as mean and somewhat relatable idk.  I have no idea what it's like to be pregnant, but my sister is guiding me a little with some of the process she has to go through. Anyways enjoy! This story will be continued regardless of views, but based on how I can continue the storyline without making the book boring. There won't be a lot of author notes unless I need to take a poll on the certain things. K bye😗.


          I sat on the toilet seat staring my phone down.

    Approximately 3 minutes and 10...9...8 seconds to go until I figure out if I finally get to be a mother.

   Natsu yawned obnoxiously. "Babe. You do realize that you've been saying everything that you've been thinking out loud for the past 17 minutes right?"

   I gave him a glare that made him straighten his posture and hold the video camera straight. "And do I really have to record the whole waiting process? If you plan on showing this at the baby shower, then I refuse to show the part of you peeing on a stick. I know that sly bastard Leo has been trying to sneak a peek at you and- "

    "Natsu. Honey, you know that I'd never leave you for some immature bachelor who thinks it's cool to be in love with one girl and yet chase others around to make her jealous. Besides why would I go for a buffoon like that when  I already have a handsome idiot at my disposal."
     I ended my little speech with a smile on my face and reached over and planted a kiss on his thigh.

    He gave me his signature smirk. He probably feeling super full of himself, not realizing I threw an insult in there. My poor dunce of a husband, I'll have to make it up to him later. IF he even realizes it.

    And yes I know I sound like a grade A bitch right now, but there's only a certain amount of stupid questions or comments I can take from him before I start getting sarcastic. Trust me. I'm not usually like this or else Natsu would've been running for the hills right now.

     "2 minutes left Luce. Aren't you excited?"

   As he asked me that question, I was ready to fire back with a sarcastic remark, but it didn't seem so stupid as I started to think about. I stared at my feet. The royal blue nail polish glistened as I wiggled my toes. Was I really excited? I saw what Levy went through while she was pregnant. Her feet swole up and her petite body grew in size in little under a month. She lost her baby fat quick, but it was me I was worried about. 

   Not only can I not compare myself to Levy because she had twins, but I'm already a bit on the heavy side and Natsu doesn't fail to make little jokes about it. Although I know he doesn't mean it, it doesn't help that I take those comments to heart. I hate the gym with all those obnoxiously slim and fit girls who lift weights and show off their forever summer bodies and holy shit, do they love to wink at Natsu and give me dirty looks.

    I do sit ups and push ups and squats every once a while if I'm ever feeling super insecure. But what'll happen when I have another human growing inside of me. I'll always feels insecure and I know from Erza (the most fit and powerful person I know) that even she felt like just lying around like she was dead while she was pregnant.

   Mavis only knows how huge I'm gonna get. Natsu's probably already lining up the fat jokes he's been writin-

           *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEEEEEEEEE-*

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2018 ⏰

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