leaving fairy tail

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Lucy pov

It has now been 1 month since lissana came back and fairy tail is still partying,all except me.ive been ignored by team natsu and the rest of the guild,the only people who talk to me are gageel,lily,wendy,carla and juvia everyone else ignored me.

I quickly got out of bed and had a bath get dressed eat breakfast and start on my way to the guild.as i opened the guild doors everyone stared at me which was unexpted.i hesitantly said"hi"then everyone started laughing and calling me names everyone but the people who talked to me.

The guild master walked over to me and said"lucy please quit fairytail the number 1 guild in fiore dosent deserve such a weak member like you"i teared up and allowed him to remove my mark the ones who didnt ignore me came up to us."master please remove our marks as well"he looked shocked."what juvia you cant"shouted gray.

3rd person pov

There were many protest from the guild but they still quit,and followed lucy into the forest leaving their homes and guild to find a new place to stay.as they were walking they saw a girl around the same age as them.

She faced them her words filled with vemon "lucy heartfillia"she glared at lucy as lily went into battle mode and the others got into a fighting stance protecting lucy.gageel was in front with juvia on his right and panther lily on his left as wendy stood on Lucy's left.

Lucy looked shocked as the girls name came rolling off her tongue"akane knightblood"lucy had more tears flowing out.the so called akane started walking forward"i saw what happend with fairy tail lucy im sorry i couldnt be there for you"she then looked up at the others"thank you for staying by her side my name is akane knightblood a childhood freind of lucys and her protecter"

They slowly relaxed and smiled slightly."i can teach you all more spells and fighting techniques"they all nodded and she smiled"great lets begin"and so they trained for 3 years and soon mastered what she taught them they got to like her more,and gageel lets just say he fell for her a bit.they all wanted to join a guild and were wondering which one."sabertooth"they all looked at lucy"its fairy tails enemy"they nodded and went to sabertooth the guild of the tigers.

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